WEBVTT 00:00:00.070 --> 00:00:03.537 My memories of my dad are just that he was a lovely man. 00:00:03.626 --> 00:00:07.563 He always taxi-ed me and my friends around; he was the taxi man. 00:00:07.590 --> 00:00:10.652 Whenever we wanted a lift, we'd be like, "Dad come and get us!" 00:00:14.095 --> 00:00:20.538 There’s five of us in my family, my dad, my mum, me and my two sisters, one younger and one older. 00:00:20.733 --> 00:00:24.457 Me and my dad were very close and when he was here he spent every minute with us. 00:00:24.493 --> 00:00:29.045 He played for Luton Town FC when he was quite young and he's played for other clubs as well, 00:00:29.070 --> 00:00:32.356 but that's the club he was known for because he was there so long. 00:00:32.702 --> 00:00:36.363 He had cancer, for like a year, throat cancer, 00:00:36.462 --> 00:00:40.217 but he got over that and he was in the year of being cleared. 00:00:40.242 --> 00:00:44.302 Then he started to get "man flu", we just thought it was that. 00:00:47.805 --> 00:00:51.143 Me and my sisters were here, my aunty and gran were around 00:00:51.169 --> 00:00:54.693 because it was my 16th birthday so we were doing presents and celebrating. 00:00:54.718 --> 00:00:58.975 He then went back to bed, so Mum decided to call the doctor just to check 00:00:59.002 --> 00:01:04.020 so we took him to the doctor's and they said go up to the hospital, have a few tests. 00:01:04.346 --> 00:01:07.985 We were quite relaxed because he'd got through cancer he could get through anything. 00:01:08.126 --> 00:01:11.944 They ambulanced him up to London and that's when they found out what it was. 00:01:11.969 --> 00:01:15.436 It was a blood disease called TTP, it's really rare. 00:01:15.884 --> 00:01:17.419 No-one really knew what it was. 00:01:17.446 --> 00:01:24.179 Mum rang to say, "We're gonna do a blood transfusion", but that didn't work because his cells were low. 00:01:24.204 --> 00:01:27.790 That might have been because of the cancer treatment he had. 00:01:27.815 --> 00:01:30.329 That night he just went downhill, really. 00:01:30.349 --> 00:01:35.416 They thought he was stable, but in the early hours of the morning he died. 00:01:39.273 --> 00:01:42.278 I found out the morning after, on my birthday. 00:01:42.303 --> 00:01:47.135 My gran woke me up saying Dad was in intensive care. 00:01:47.160 --> 00:01:53.554 So I got up, we all came downstairs, we were eating breakfast when Mum rang to say he'd died. 00:01:53.579 --> 00:01:55.665 My little sister was at school at the time, 00:01:55.666 --> 00:01:59.371 so it was just my grandma, my grandad, me and my older sister here. 00:01:59.396 --> 00:02:03.331 We both went upstairs and collapsed, crying and screaming, 00:02:03.351 --> 00:02:06.818 it was like something out of a film. It was awful. 00:02:07.565 --> 00:02:12.304 I wanted to carry on my normal life because I couldn’t believe it had happened. 00:02:12.324 --> 00:02:15.275 I still wanted to go out with my mates but then when it did sink in 00:02:15.308 --> 00:02:19.075 I just couldn't get back into the swing of things at all. 00:02:19.100 --> 00:02:21.250 All I could think about was Dad - what he'd been through, 00:02:21.275 --> 00:02:26.062 there were so many questions we needed to ask, to understand what had happened. 00:02:29.372 --> 00:02:32.528 There were a few times when I got to see him again and say goodbye. 00:02:32.553 --> 00:02:37.959 Me, my mum and my older sister went up to see him at the mortuary in the hospital. 00:02:37.985 --> 00:02:42.785 We all walked in together because we decided to all do it. 00:02:44.424 --> 00:02:48.382 That was really nice to see him; obviously it's like, "Oh my god - dead person", 00:02:48.407 --> 00:02:51.479 but it's not, it was just my dad there asleep. 00:02:51.504 --> 00:02:53.510 I rubbed his head, because I always used to rub his head, 00:02:53.530 --> 00:02:56.579 he had quite a skinhead but the spikes used to feel funny. 00:02:56.604 --> 00:02:58.734 I used to cut his hair for him. 00:02:58.759 --> 00:03:00.562 I held his hand. 00:03:00.587 --> 00:03:04.538 My mum was devastated and wanted him to wake up. 00:03:04.563 --> 00:03:08.796 But we were all strong together and said, "We love you". 00:03:08.817 --> 00:03:12.879 We were all holding hands because we didn’t want to let each other go. 00:03:16.564 --> 00:03:20.320 In the two years there's been so many emotions and they've done the whole circle. 00:03:20.360 --> 00:03:26.044 At first there's obviously shock, and angry, so angry you just want to blame someone. 00:03:26.069 --> 00:03:29.379 Talking about it - I found it hard when it first happened. 00:03:29.444 --> 00:03:32.485 You've got to let whatever comes out come out when you want it to. 00:03:33.182 --> 00:03:35.248 People's reactions were all different. 00:03:35.252 --> 00:03:39.761 Some people would automatically jump on you and give you a big hug, 00:03:39.786 --> 00:03:44.623 but sometimes you just wanted space, especially family, everyone kept coming round. 00:03:45.250 --> 00:03:49.347 The best times were the evenings when it would just be my mum and my sisters 00:03:49.367 --> 00:03:53.452 watching telly, trying to be normal together. 00:03:53.477 --> 00:03:58.190 The friends you did have that avoided it when it happened and didn’t say anything, 00:03:58.457 --> 00:04:01.494 now it's too awkward, it's too late to bring it up. 00:04:01.519 --> 00:04:05.905 Definitely sympathy-wise, towards people when they're crying about stupid things 00:04:06.009 --> 00:04:09.295 or they think they have a problem, I was like, you don’t know what problems are. 00:04:13.345 --> 00:04:18.292 As time goes on it doesn’t get easier, you just learn to deal with it better 00:04:18.319 --> 00:04:24.572 and people's comments, you just learn to know what to say back now. 00:04:24.597 --> 00:04:30.228 Even now after two years, I’m still grieving as much as I was back then. 00:04:31.123 --> 00:04:34.901 Definitely missing the father figure because we're all girls in our family. 00:04:34.926 --> 00:04:39.324 He was used to the girly-ness, having to wait to use the bathroom, 00:04:39.350 --> 00:04:42.683 just having that balanced the household out a bit. 00:04:42.914 --> 00:04:44.989 I think it's brought us closer together. 00:04:45.014 --> 00:04:49.805 We were close anyway, but now as sisters and mum, we're all like best friends. 00:04:49.830 --> 00:04:54.011 You chat about everything now because there's nothing to hide. 00:04:54.036 --> 00:04:57.301 Anyone that is grieving or been through a similar situation 00:04:57.607 --> 00:05:03.709 just needs to be close to their families or friends and find someone they can talk to. 00:05:03.734 --> 00:05:07.852 Know that it's okay to cry, it's okay to be happy as well 00:05:07.905 --> 00:05:13.795 because you do sometimes feel guilty, but you shouldn’t because you've got your own life to live, 00:05:13.802 --> 00:05:17.872 that person that left you wants you to be happy.