WEBVTT 00:00:09.481 --> 00:00:14.941 After I came out of prison I had a nice job and met a nice woman. 00:00:14.966 --> 00:00:18.918 We got married, had a nice flat, things were going nice. 00:00:18.956 --> 00:00:20.632 We were both happy. 00:00:20.657 --> 00:00:24.526 Three years ago my wife passed away suddenly. 00:00:24.551 --> 00:00:31.920 I left the hospital that morning and I never went back to the flat and never went back to work. 00:00:33.572 --> 00:00:36.105 I found myself on the street, homeless. 00:00:37.752 --> 00:00:44.581 Money doesn’t seem important as much as what it used to seem when I had my flat and my wife. 00:00:45.303 --> 00:00:49.836 We seemed to look at money more seriously than what I look at it now. 00:00:49.946 --> 00:00:54.598 The only time I worry about money is when I get down to my last 3 or 4 pound. 00:00:55.075 --> 00:01:00.479 Because anything you try to buy to eat is going to cost at least 3 or 4 pound. 00:01:00.967 --> 00:01:03.803 So if I was to give you 20 pounds... 00:01:05.474 --> 00:01:06.957 What would I do with it? 00:01:06.982 --> 00:01:12.182 If I was to get up now and walk off with it? I’d probably get something to eat. 00:01:13.213 --> 00:01:15.613 I'd hold on to as much of it as I could. 00:01:15.976 --> 00:01:18.722 Until I needed more, which is probably tonight, 00:01:18.746 --> 00:01:22.044 where I'd go to this all night cafe, 00:01:22.069 --> 00:01:24.143 I would buy something to eat and a cup of tea. 00:01:24.168 --> 00:01:26.074 I'd probably spend about 6 pound, 00:01:26.099 --> 00:01:29.566 so it would enable me to sit in there for 3 or 4 hours. 00:01:30.094 --> 00:01:31.509 Out of the cold. 00:01:31.534 --> 00:01:38.162 Half the night would be gone so that's half of my worries tonight gone. 00:01:39.090 --> 00:01:42.453 There is another way I could do it. 00:01:42.478 --> 00:01:46.878 I could go and get a room for the night in a B&B. 00:01:46.903 --> 00:01:52.608 If the nights are too cold and I'd got that money, I'd sometimes do that. 00:01:52.633 --> 00:01:56.766 Getting 20 pound aint often, and it's gone in one when you do that. 00:01:58.658 --> 00:02:02.272 I have difficulty going in to 90% of the places I try to go in. 00:02:02.297 --> 00:02:05.437 Even if it's just for a takeaway sandwich. 00:02:05.462 --> 00:02:10.226 I feel so embarrassed sometimes that I don’t even give them a chance to say anything. 00:02:10.251 --> 00:02:14.045 I make an excuse and go wait outside 00:02:14.070 --> 00:02:17.953 because I can see just by looking at them that they don’t want me in there. 00:02:18.592 --> 00:02:25.124 So rather than the embarrassment, I walk out and wait outside the door. 00:02:28.360 --> 00:02:33.681 50 pound in life is not a lot of money in this day and age. 00:02:33.706 --> 00:02:35.605 But it is to me. 00:02:35.630 --> 00:02:39.338 I look at them every day walking past where I sit. 00:02:39.363 --> 00:02:45.845 I look at them and think of the difference, you've probably just gone and spent £50 on a lunch. 00:02:45.870 --> 00:02:49.241 That 50 pound would have lasted me a week. 00:02:49.266 --> 00:02:51.533 Do I think they take it for granted? 00:02:51.955 --> 00:02:55.288 Those sort of people, they most certainly do, yeah.