WEBVTT 00:00:00.001 --> 00:00:02.507 Some of the vulnerable situations you may find yourself in 00:00:02.532 --> 00:00:04.576 when we're talking about sexual assault and rape 00:00:04.601 --> 00:00:10.297 are things like, if you’re out with your friends, out clubbing or going to bars, parties, 00:00:10.322 --> 00:00:12.705 while you’re out but also on your way home. 00:00:12.730 --> 00:00:15.732 Of course, have a good time, but try to do that safely. 00:00:19.497 --> 00:00:21.643 Firstly, prepare for your personal safety, 00:00:21.667 --> 00:00:24.605 think about what you need for a night out if that’s what you’re doing. 00:00:24.630 --> 00:00:28.932 How much money? Have you got your mobile phone? Is it charged? Has it got credit? 00:00:28.957 --> 00:00:31.863 People should be able to wear whatever they like, 00:00:31.888 --> 00:00:35.532 but unfortunately sometimes what you’re wearing does make a bit of a difference. 00:00:35.571 --> 00:00:38.075 Think about, have you got a pair of flat shoes 00:00:38.100 --> 00:00:42.194 that you might want to walk home in? Whether it's the cinema, bar... 00:00:42.219 --> 00:00:45.040 call someone and let them know you’ve arrived safely, 00:00:45.064 --> 00:00:50.337 do the same thing when you leave, whether its texting a family member or another friend 00:00:50.368 --> 00:00:53.216 to say "I'm leaving now" so that someone knows you’re on your way 00:00:53.241 --> 00:00:57.201 and they can monitor whether you get home safely. 00:00:57.226 --> 00:01:00.515 It's really tempting to pick up a mobile phone on the way home 00:01:00.540 --> 00:01:02.708 and chat to somebody because it makes you feel safer. 00:01:02.733 --> 00:01:06.673 What we know though, through talking to offenders and through research, 00:01:06.697 --> 00:01:09.114 is that it actually makes you a lot less safe 00:01:09.146 --> 00:01:13.578 because you look totally unaware of your surroundings, and you're showing off a valuable, 00:01:13.603 --> 00:01:15.702 you've got your mobile phone in your hand. 00:01:15.727 --> 00:01:18.774 The same goes for MP3 players or iPods. 00:01:18.799 --> 00:01:23.809 Think about looking confident because we know from research and talking to offenders 00:01:23.834 --> 00:01:28.469 that if you look confident that makes a really big difference 00:01:28.494 --> 00:01:30.817 to whether you are a potential victim or not. 00:01:30.842 --> 00:01:34.387 Crossing over the road, away from someone that’s making you feel uncomfortable, 00:01:34.411 --> 00:01:37.216 might be turning round and going back in the direction you came from. 00:01:37.241 --> 00:01:39.482 Don’t get into an unlicensed mini-cab. 00:01:39.507 --> 00:01:42.936 If you've booked a cab, when it arrives, check it's yours, 00:01:42.961 --> 00:01:49.284 so when you book the car, ask for some details, whether it's the driver's name or the car details. 00:01:49.309 --> 00:01:54.990 It would be a really helpful idea to text the registration number of the car 00:01:55.015 --> 00:01:59.293 so that, were something to happen, you'd have a record of which car you were in. 00:01:59.318 --> 00:02:03.190 When somebody is drinking it changes all kinds of things. 00:02:03.215 --> 00:02:08.010 It changes their body language, it changes whether we're susceptible to suggestion. 00:02:08.035 --> 00:02:11.626 Somebody might suggest something to us which, had we not been drinking, 00:02:11.650 --> 00:02:13.379 we'd have said no to immediately. 00:02:13.404 --> 00:02:17.271 If you're drinking as a guy, you're just as vulnerable as if you were a girl. 00:02:17.296 --> 00:02:22.498 You're not going to be able to look out for yourself as much if you've been drinking. 00:02:22.523 --> 00:02:25.933 You're not going to be able to look out for your mates as much if you've been drinking. 00:02:25.958 --> 00:02:29.544 You might well do something stupid that you wouldn’t have done. 00:02:29.569 --> 00:02:32.541 With regards to self defence and martial arts, 00:02:32.573 --> 00:02:36.307 they can increase your confidence sometimes, however, 00:02:36.327 --> 00:02:41.342 I'm really sceptical about how useful they are in reality when that stuff happens. 00:02:41.367 --> 00:02:45.768 When you panic it becomes really difficult to put into practice 00:02:45.793 --> 00:02:50.407 any of those self defence techniques that you might think you know really well. 00:02:50.432 --> 00:02:52.875 Think about carrying a personal safety alarm. 00:02:52.906 --> 00:02:59.718 What it does is, it gives out a really loud sound, the kind of sound that would make you sick. 00:02:59.744 --> 00:03:01.787 You need to be carrying it in your hand 00:03:01.819 --> 00:03:03.890 and put it as close to their head as you can 00:03:03.915 --> 00:03:05.858 and as far away from your own as you can, 00:03:05.882 --> 00:03:09.284 and you set it off, to give you a couple of seconds 00:03:09.309 --> 00:03:12.135 where they're disorientated and you can get away. 00:03:12.160 --> 00:03:14.600 There is a lot of confusing information out there 00:03:14.624 --> 00:03:19.603 about what you should do to prevent an attack and also in event of an attack. 00:03:19.628 --> 00:03:24.643 Our belief at the Suzy Lamplugh Trust is that the simple stuff is generally what works best. 00:03:24.668 --> 00:03:29.002 If you have a feeling something is wrong, listen to that feeling. 00:03:29.027 --> 00:03:34.602 We have a really good inbuilt way of knowing when there's going to be a problem. 00:03:34.627 --> 00:03:40.031 So, really concentrate on the stuff that's basic and makes common good sense.