WEBVTT 00:00:01.470 --> 00:00:03.359 Survey Ship - Pantheon. 00:00:03.563 --> 00:00:05.679 Orbiting planet – Earth. 00:00:06.167 --> 00:00:08.520 Dominant life form – Human. 00:00:09.073 --> 00:00:11.276 Belief system - Various. 00:00:11.742 --> 00:00:13.740 More information required. 00:00:14.238 --> 00:00:15.787 Scanning for samples. 00:00:21.705 --> 00:00:23.623 Welcome to Survey Ship Pantheon. 00:00:23.644 --> 00:00:26.475 Our mission is to investigate the culture of your planet 00:00:26.506 --> 00:00:30.220 and you have been selected to represent your belief system. 00:00:30.252 --> 00:00:31.545 Please state your name. 00:00:31.577 --> 00:00:33.058 Rabbi David Lister. 00:00:33.850 --> 00:00:34.409 Religion? 00:00:34.416 --> 00:00:35.378 Judaism. 00:00:35.980 --> 00:00:36.905 Holy book? 00:00:37.193 --> 00:00:38.192 Torah. 00:00:38.607 --> 00:00:39.700 Holy building? 00:00:39.739 --> 00:00:42.223 Synagogue, sometimes referred to as a Shul. 00:00:42.371 --> 00:00:43.223 Symbol? 00:00:43.981 --> 00:00:47.570 The Star of David, or a seven branched lamp called a Menorah. 00:00:47.966 --> 00:00:50.087 You will now be asked a series of questions 00:00:50.091 --> 00:00:51.522 from the categories on screen. 00:00:51.532 --> 00:00:53.733 You have 30 of your Earth seconds 00:00:53.785 --> 00:00:56.720 to provide a satisfactory answer to each one. 00:00:56.743 --> 00:01:00.148 Failure to comply will result in matter dispersal. 00:01:00.179 --> 00:01:01.131 Are you ready? 00:01:01.146 --> 00:01:01.693 Yes. 00:01:02.767 --> 00:01:05.949 Standby. Choose the first category. 00:01:06.167 --> 00:01:06.927 God. 00:01:07.813 --> 00:01:09.595 What do you believe about God? 00:01:09.683 --> 00:01:13.806 We believe that God is a creator, just the one, 00:01:13.984 --> 00:01:16.663 and he made everything in the universe, 00:01:16.723 --> 00:01:20.129 and he looks after people in this world, 00:01:20.189 --> 00:01:23.265 by giving them a spiritual job to do. 00:01:23.507 --> 00:01:27.850 If they do that job very well, then they will develop themselves, 00:01:27.971 --> 00:01:32.198 and after death, they will be able to enjoy a special closeness to God. 00:01:37.760 --> 00:01:39.194 Life after death. 00:01:39.424 --> 00:01:42.268 What do you believe will happen to humans after death? 00:01:43.039 --> 00:01:45.354 A person's body is put in the ground, 00:01:45.426 --> 00:01:49.890 their soul is released from the body and returns to God. 00:01:50.598 --> 00:01:52.884 The better we have worked in this life 00:01:52.936 --> 00:01:55.729 on doing the things that God has asked us to do, 00:01:55.884 --> 00:01:58.456 the more we'll be able to understand and appreciate 00:01:58.478 --> 00:02:01.443 what it's like to be with him after we die. 00:02:01.803 --> 00:02:04.874 We don't understand much about what it's like after death, 00:02:05.104 --> 00:02:08.670 but, we know that it's a good thing to be in that state. 00:02:15.882 --> 00:02:16.822 Beginnings. 00:02:18.654 --> 00:02:20.452 How did your religion begin? 00:02:21.075 --> 00:02:24.386 It started when God spoke to Abraham, 00:02:24.433 --> 00:02:26.858 nearly 4000 years ago. 00:02:27.323 --> 00:02:29.986 Abraham had a family that went down to Egypt, 00:02:30.503 --> 00:02:34.774 and their descendants came out of the slavery in Egypt. 00:02:34.793 --> 00:02:36.873 After 210 years there, 00:02:36.990 --> 00:02:40.175 we went to Mount Sinai in the Sinai desert. 00:02:40.414 --> 00:02:43.921 God came down on the mountain, spoke to us, 00:02:43.935 --> 00:02:46.056 said the Ten Commandments, 00:02:46.094 --> 00:02:48.565 and then we received the Torah from Moses. 00:02:55.582 --> 00:02:57.011 Everyday life. 00:02:57.743 --> 00:03:00.243 How does your religion affect everyday life? 00:03:00.254 --> 00:03:01.533 In lots of different ways. 00:03:01.595 --> 00:03:05.534 We have rules about what we eat, so all our food must be kosher. 00:03:05.542 --> 00:03:07.285 We have rules about what we wear, 00:03:07.307 --> 00:03:11.113 we're not allowed to wear a garment that has both wool and linen in it; 00:03:11.140 --> 00:03:13.942 Jewish men are supposed to wear a kippah on their heads. 00:03:14.288 --> 00:03:15.655 We have to pray. 00:03:15.757 --> 00:03:20.095 We have to behave to each other in a kind and gentle way, 00:03:20.296 --> 00:03:23.571 and most of all I think, we're supposed to think about ourselves 00:03:23.571 --> 00:03:26.343 and the world in a cheerful and positive way. 00:03:33.319 --> 00:03:34.473 Festivals. 00:03:35.871 --> 00:03:38.470 What is the most important festival in your religion? 00:03:38.535 --> 00:03:40.631 There are many important times in our year, 00:03:40.644 --> 00:03:42.321 there's Pesach or Passover, 00:03:42.343 --> 00:03:46.118 when we remember and relive the Exodus from Egypt, 00:03:46.312 --> 00:03:48.556 and there's Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, 00:03:48.577 --> 00:03:51.524 which is a big new start for everybody. 00:03:51.963 --> 00:03:54.445 My favourite festival, if you can call it that, 00:03:54.459 --> 00:03:56.822 is Shabbat, which happens every single week, 00:03:56.868 --> 00:04:00.771 that's our Sabbath, starts on Friday afternoon and finishes Saturday night. 00:04:00.948 --> 00:04:03.201 It's a time when we can't do lots of things, 00:04:03.269 --> 00:04:05.814 and we have to calm down and listen to each other. 00:04:11.822 --> 00:04:12.743 Rites of Passage. 00:04:12.793 --> 00:04:14.590 What is a Bar Mitzvah? 00:04:14.632 --> 00:04:16.688 Bar Mitzvah means 'Son of Commandment'. 00:04:16.724 --> 00:04:19.174 It's a time when a boy turns 13, 00:04:19.245 --> 00:04:21.672 and we celebrate the fact that he's now obliged 00:04:21.698 --> 00:04:24.261 to keep the Commandments like every other Jewish adult. 00:04:24.642 --> 00:04:27.669 He will normally celebrate this by going to the synagogue, 00:04:27.679 --> 00:04:31.250 reading a portion of the Torah, and having a party afterwards. 00:04:31.794 --> 00:04:34.976 A girl will have a Bat Mitzvah, which means 'Daughter of Commandment', 00:04:34.997 --> 00:04:36.752 when she turns 12, 00:04:36.813 --> 00:04:39.307 and she will also celebrate this by going to the synagogue 00:04:39.343 --> 00:04:40.967 and perhaps reading a speech. 00:04:49.772 --> 00:04:50.425 Random. 00:04:51.048 --> 00:04:53.048 What's so bad about pigs? 00:04:53.847 --> 00:04:56.091 Pigs aren't such a big deal in Judaism, 00:04:56.105 --> 00:04:59.266 they're part of a non-kosher group of animals, 00:04:59.579 --> 00:05:01.322 like the horse, the rabbit, 00:05:01.345 --> 00:05:06.062 any animal that doesn't have both split hooves and many stomachs 00:05:06.093 --> 00:05:09.572 is not kosher and we may not eat it. 00:05:09.924 --> 00:05:12.308 We're a bit worried about the symbolism of the pig, 00:05:12.322 --> 00:05:14.398 because on the outside it looks kosher, 00:05:14.422 --> 00:05:17.801 'cos it has split hooves, but inside it only has the one stomach, 00:05:17.839 --> 00:05:20.856 so it's regarded as a faker. 00:05:24.006 --> 00:05:26.776 Thank you. Your answers are satisfactory. 00:05:26.998 --> 00:05:30.640 Matter dispersal beams powering down. 00:05:31.864 --> 00:05:36.078 You will now be returned to Earth human. Goodbye.