WEBVTT 00:00:00.450 --> 00:00:04.378 A person's life can be turned inside out by religious conversion. 00:00:04.414 --> 00:00:08.368 A powerful experience that can change someone's beliefs entirely. 00:00:09.290 --> 00:00:13.139 The Bible describes the dramatic conversion of a man called Paul, 00:00:13.262 --> 00:00:16.040 as he crossed the desert on the road to Damascus. 00:00:16.673 --> 00:00:19.468 He belonged to a Jewish sect called the Pharisees, 00:00:19.624 --> 00:00:23.938 who wanted to stamp out Christianity just as it was getting started. 00:00:24.856 --> 00:00:28.984 But Paul went from being a vicious persecutor of the first Christians, 00:00:29.002 --> 00:00:31.344 to being one of their greatest leaders, 00:00:31.355 --> 00:00:34.189 and the writer of many books in the New Testament. 00:00:34.875 --> 00:00:38.228 What caused this extraordinary change of heart? 00:00:41.221 --> 00:00:45.803 According to Acts, on his way to Damascus, he had a conversion experience. 00:00:47.524 --> 00:00:51.305 He saw a blinding light that literally blinded him physically. 00:00:51.328 --> 00:00:53.732 He heard the voice of Jesus, 00:00:53.743 --> 00:00:55.567 saying,'Saul', using his Jewish name, 00:00:55.584 --> 00:00:58.288 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?' 00:00:58.405 --> 00:01:01.959 and he was given his commission to evangelise the Gentiles. 00:01:02.196 --> 00:01:05.933 It was a changing moment in Paul's life and we often refer to it now as 00:01:05.952 --> 00:01:08.819 the blinding light experience of conversion. 00:01:10.287 --> 00:01:13.561 But I would like to find out what really happened. 00:01:20.843 --> 00:01:25.502 In the Bible, deserts lend themselves to life-changing moments. 00:01:25.541 --> 00:01:29.120 Both Jesus and Moses had spent time in the wilderness. 00:01:30.661 --> 00:01:32.933 To help me make sense of Paul's conversion, 00:01:32.956 --> 00:01:36.112 I met psychologist, Shmuel Erlich. 00:01:37.253 --> 00:01:38.945 I'm searching for Paul the character, 00:01:38.968 --> 00:01:42.195 I can't ignore that central conversion experience. 00:01:42.281 --> 00:01:43.966 How do I make that change? 00:01:44.272 --> 00:01:49.737 I would suggest that you look very carefully and deeply into his past. 00:01:49.918 --> 00:01:54.308 You look into what happened before, into his persecution, 00:01:54.321 --> 00:01:59.445 into his aggression, into his need to kill Christians, 00:01:59.846 --> 00:02:06.541 which I think speaks of some kind of an inner turmoil. 00:02:07.612 --> 00:02:08.789 What you see, 00:02:09.761 --> 00:02:14.047 especially in people who are struggling with their identity, 00:02:14.194 --> 00:02:16.979 and if the struggle is very deep, 00:02:16.996 --> 00:02:22.292 you see that they can sometimes turn around, 00:02:22.315 --> 00:02:25.050 almost, if you will, 180 degrees, 00:02:25.067 --> 00:02:29.922 and from one who you would consider to be one identity, 00:02:30.182 --> 00:02:33.258 suddenly become the opposite of it. 00:02:33.725 --> 00:02:35.676 I think this is what happened with St. Paul. 00:02:35.691 --> 00:02:39.172 He persecuted Christians before, 00:02:39.433 --> 00:02:41.671 and then suddenly he shifted completely, 00:02:41.672 --> 00:02:45.768 and became their spokesman, their guardian in a way, 00:02:45.813 --> 00:02:48.637 and their promoter and their leader, really. 00:02:49.912 --> 00:02:52.708 Whatever really happened on the road to Damascus, 00:02:52.764 --> 00:02:57.873 it's clear from that moment on, Paul's beliefs changed forever. 00:02:58.030 --> 00:03:02.656 He was now convinced he had met Jesus face to face, 00:03:02.725 --> 00:03:05.030 that God had brought him back from the dead, 00:03:05.044 --> 00:03:07.540 and that therefore he must be the Messiah, 00:03:08.156 --> 00:03:12.304 and that the end of days was coming very, very soon.