WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.000 Hunting really means searching for an animal 00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:07.200 pursuing it or chasing it with the intention to catch it and kill it. 00:00:07.200 --> 00:00:10.080 Hunting is great, it's a social thing. 00:00:10.080 --> 00:00:13.160 The community come and support not only hunting, 00:00:13.160 --> 00:00:17.120 they support each other and find out what their mate up the road 00:00:17.120 --> 00:00:19.120 has been doing for the past week. 00:00:19.120 --> 00:00:21.960 You know, it's great. I love it! 00:00:21.960 --> 00:00:24.760 To be honest I don't really understand the mentality 00:00:24.760 --> 00:00:29.600 of someone that enjoys pursuing and brutally killing an animal. 00:00:29.600 --> 00:00:32.760 I think it's completely wrong and immoral. 00:00:32.760 --> 00:00:36.440 Stereotypically, your huntsman is wearing a red coat 00:00:36.440 --> 00:00:39.640 and is a very rich toff, a land owner. 00:00:43.520 --> 00:00:46.880 I think the stereotype of someone who is against hunting 00:00:46.880 --> 00:00:49.480 is very much a hippie extremist! 00:00:54.600 --> 00:00:56.360 It's a great equaliser actually 00:00:56.360 --> 00:00:58.840 because they all fall off at the end of the day. 00:00:58.840 --> 00:01:01.640 It doesn't dictate who is going to have a muddy end 00:01:01.640 --> 00:01:04.680 whether you've got a million pounds in your trust fund or not. 00:01:04.680 --> 00:01:06.600 More women than men hunt, 00:01:06.600 --> 00:01:10.280 and over 19,000 by our estimation, under 24's hunt. 00:01:10.280 --> 00:01:14.280 We have people from all different walks of life and all different ages. 00:01:14.280 --> 00:01:17.040 It's not just animal rights extremists. 00:01:33.800 --> 00:01:35.960 You have to be incredibly disciplined 00:01:35.960 --> 00:01:38.920 in order to get your horse fit initially to go hunting 00:01:38.920 --> 00:01:41.760 You have to plait your horse and clip it and groom it. 00:01:41.760 --> 00:01:45.040 It teaches great discipline and planning. 00:01:45.040 --> 00:01:49.560 The product of all that work is going and having a great day with people, 00:01:49.560 --> 00:01:51.960 riding through beautiful country 00:01:51.960 --> 00:01:55.840 knowing you are supporting local business in the rural economy 00:01:55.840 --> 00:01:58.400 and you know, having a great day out. 00:01:58.400 --> 00:02:02.800 The fields don't grow in squares. It's a managed area. 00:02:02.800 --> 00:02:07.160 Fox hunting and hunting in general, is part of that management. 00:02:07.160 --> 00:02:12.360 They just get fixated on a fox being killed 00:02:12.360 --> 00:02:14.840 but that fox still has to be controlled. 00:02:14.840 --> 00:02:18.640 It's a government requirement to control the rabbit population. 00:02:18.640 --> 00:02:21.920 Rabbits have to be controlled which means they have to be killed. 00:02:21.920 --> 00:02:26.720 The government enquiry found that hunting was no more or less humane 00:02:26.720 --> 00:02:28.840 than any other method of fox dispatch. 00:02:28.840 --> 00:02:30.360 Foxes are seen as a pest. 00:02:30.360 --> 00:02:34.760 Hunting's another one of those things that it does need to be done. 00:02:34.760 --> 00:02:38.360 When you kill an animal for sport, it's so unnecessary. 00:02:38.360 --> 00:02:40.600 It's such a brutal way to die. 00:02:40.600 --> 00:02:43.200 The argument of using it as a method of control 00:02:43.200 --> 00:02:45.280 has been proven not to be the case. 00:02:45.280 --> 00:02:47.400 Most foxes are killed by shooting. 00:02:47.400 --> 00:02:51.840 Six percent in England and Wales are killed through hunting with dogs. 00:02:51.840 --> 00:02:56.080 I understand the opinion that some species need to be controlled 00:02:56.080 --> 00:02:59.520 for conservation purposes, I don't personally agree with it. 00:02:59.520 --> 00:03:02.000 There are better ways to control populations 00:03:02.000 --> 00:03:03.720 without the need to kill them. 00:03:03.720 --> 00:03:08.160 The term 'pest' is a very subjective viewpoint. 00:03:08.160 --> 00:03:11.760 One person's pest is someone else's sacred animal, 00:03:11.760 --> 00:03:13.800 so the view of a pest varies 00:03:13.800 --> 00:03:16.800 from country to country and person to person. 00:03:16.800 --> 00:03:21.840 A fox is not a pest, it doesn't kill vast amounts of livestock, erm... 00:03:21.840 --> 00:03:23.640 It's not a problem in the countryside. 00:03:23.640 --> 00:03:27.400 It is a tradition and if they want to continue that, 00:03:27.400 --> 00:03:30.280 trail hunting and drag hunting is an ideal way to do that 00:03:30.280 --> 00:03:33.880 so you maintain all of the social aspects of hunting 00:03:33.880 --> 00:03:36.960 without having to kill something at the end. 00:03:36.960 --> 00:03:41.600 It should never have become law not to do it, it's just ridiculous. 00:03:41.600 --> 00:03:43.520 I don't believe in lots of things 00:03:43.520 --> 00:03:47.400 but I'm not going to go and say that there should be a law about it. 00:03:47.400 --> 00:03:49.920 Accidents do happen. We're not denying that. 00:03:49.920 --> 00:03:54.120 I'm not going to stand here and say all the hunter, you know, 00:03:54.120 --> 00:03:56.240 no foxes have been killed. 00:03:56.240 --> 00:03:59.160 It's not true. Accidents happen. 00:03:59.160 --> 00:04:01.520 You have to prove intent on those accidents. 00:04:01.520 --> 00:04:06.120 It is possible to train dogs to follow a human scent. 00:04:06.120 --> 00:04:08.520 This would limit accidents. 00:04:08.520 --> 00:04:13.720 Trail and drag hunting can be used as a guise for hunting a live quarry. 00:04:13.720 --> 00:04:17.320 That's where enforcing the act comes into play. 00:04:17.320 --> 00:04:20.480 It's definitely important that people go out and monitor hunts 00:04:20.480 --> 00:04:22.800 and people who break the law are prosecuted 00:04:22.800 --> 00:04:25.200 so they know it's not acceptable. 00:04:25.200 --> 00:04:28.680 The antis ruin everyone's day, basically. 00:04:28.680 --> 00:04:32.080 For instance, this weekend hunting has been banned, you know... 00:04:32.080 --> 00:04:36.400 Why 60 people in balaclavas 00:04:36.400 --> 00:04:38.920 with hunting horns and sprays had to go 00:04:38.920 --> 00:04:42.920 and scream in the face of children at another hunt, I don't know. 00:04:42.920 --> 00:04:47.560 Hunt saboteurs actually try and stop the hunt from happening. 00:04:47.560 --> 00:04:50.440 They try and protect the fox from being captured and killed. 00:04:50.440 --> 00:04:52.400 I don't agree with law breaking in general 00:04:52.400 --> 00:04:55.560 in order to sabotage a hunt. 00:04:55.560 --> 00:04:58.080 Trespassing is commonplace. 00:04:58.080 --> 00:05:02.800 By breaking the law, it means that the people who are for fox hunting 00:05:02.800 --> 00:05:05.640 can attack their ethics as well. 00:05:05.640 --> 00:05:09.080 And because they are willing to go that step further, 00:05:09.080 --> 00:05:11.480 almost make them as bad as the hunters. 00:05:11.480 --> 00:05:14.320 I find it very uncomfortable when someone says to me 00:05:14.320 --> 00:05:17.720 when they find out what I support and what I do as a job. 00:05:18.720 --> 00:05:23.840 I find it very uncomfortable when they go, "Oh, it's cruel!" 00:05:23.840 --> 00:05:27.920 You say, "Why is it cruel?" and they can't understand. 00:05:27.920 --> 00:05:30.240 They can't explain why they think it's cruel 00:05:30.240 --> 00:05:32.120 because they don't understand it 00:05:32.120 --> 00:05:35.640 and they go and order battery chicken from a Chinese takeaway! 00:05:35.640 --> 00:05:37.240 No one can do everything. 00:05:37.240 --> 00:05:40.440 No one can completely cut out every aspect of cruelty 00:05:40.440 --> 00:05:43.200 because it's embedded in so much of our world, 00:05:43.200 --> 00:05:44.560 testing on animals, 00:05:44.560 --> 00:05:47.640 using animals for food, using animals for clothing. 00:05:47.640 --> 00:05:51.320 But, I think it's important to do something 00:05:51.320 --> 00:05:55.280 to try and end the suffering and I think that hunting for sport 00:05:55.280 --> 00:05:58.560 is something that should have been history a long time ago. 00:05:58.560 --> 00:06:01.800 It serves no purpose. There is no need to do it. 00:06:01.800 --> 00:06:05.560 It's purely for the enjoyment of people who could get their enjoyment 00:06:05.560 --> 00:06:08.880 doing something that doesn't end in the death of an animal. 00:06:08.880 --> 00:06:11.640 If someone doesn't understand hunting, 00:06:11.640 --> 00:06:15.440 saying maybe they should go out for a nice country picnic 00:06:15.440 --> 00:06:18.280 doesn't really have the same levels of excitement 00:06:18.280 --> 00:06:22.600 as galloping your horse down a hill at however many miles an hour 00:06:22.600 --> 00:06:25.360 and meeting a jump, kicking on and getting over it. 00:06:25.360 --> 00:06:27.760 It's what excites people. 00:06:27.760 --> 00:06:32.040 It's what doesn't excite me to be a vegetarian, might excite an anti. 00:06:32.040 --> 00:06:34.880 I'm fully respectful of that and therefore, you know, 00:06:34.880 --> 00:06:38.960 they should be a more respectful of those people choosing to go hunting.