WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.960 00:00:01.960 --> 00:00:05.080 -When I was a boy, about eight years of age, 00:00:05.080 --> 00:00:08.670 I stood in the high street of Glasgow bare-footed, 00:00:08.670 --> 00:00:11.240 bare-headed, cold, and hungry. 00:00:11.240 --> 00:00:13.700 And I gazed at each passer-by and wondered 00:00:13.700 --> 00:00:17.390 why they did not help. 00:00:17.390 --> 00:00:20.320 -My aim is to remove a number of children who 00:00:20.320 --> 00:00:22.230 are at present in workhouses. 00:00:22.230 --> 00:00:24.920 Children who, under existing circumstances, 00:00:24.920 --> 00:00:27.360 will eventually, in their turn, produce 00:00:27.360 --> 00:00:30.310 an offspring of physical and mental weaklings. 00:00:30.310 --> 00:00:33.250 -As an adult, I have a strong desire to go down 00:00:33.250 --> 00:00:35.990 to the children of the streets and lead them from a life 00:00:35.990 --> 00:00:39.570 of misery and shame to one of usefulness and honour. 00:00:39.570 --> 00:00:43.810 -Many of these rescued children can be saved to the Church 00:00:43.810 --> 00:00:48.680 by being permanently removed from their early surroundings. 00:00:48.680 --> 00:00:51.550 It is all done for the sake of the child 00:00:51.550 --> 00:00:54.880 and in the sacred cause of religion. 00:00:54.880 --> 00:00:57.350 We will immigrate them, bring them up 00:00:57.350 --> 00:01:01.030 in an atmosphere of energy, endurance, and cleanliness. 00:01:01.030 --> 00:01:05.180 We will produce a class of farmers, men whose strength is 00:01:05.180 --> 00:01:07.570 rooted in the soil. 00:01:07.570 --> 00:01:09.680 They will be a credit, not only to our race, 00:01:09.680 --> 00:01:12.770 but to Great Britain and the Empire. 00:01:12.770 --> 00:01:16.608 -Only those who are of good character and good health 00:01:16.608 --> 00:01:18.580 are sent. 00:01:18.580 --> 00:01:24.252 Above all, they come filled with a love for their holy faith 00:01:24.252 --> 00:01:28.970 and ready to take their place in the life 00:01:28.970 --> 00:01:30.424 of their country of adoption. 00:01:30.424 --> 00:01:34.870 00:01:34.870 --> 00:01:39.070 -In the late 1800s, churches, charities and religious orders 00:01:39.070 --> 00:01:41.360 in the UK began to take young people 00:01:41.360 --> 00:01:43.640 from poor families and children's homes 00:01:43.640 --> 00:01:45.784 and send them overseas. 00:01:45.784 --> 00:01:47.200 The dream was to give the children 00:01:47.200 --> 00:01:49.400 a better life in a new country. 00:01:49.400 --> 00:01:51.592 And some did grow up happily. 00:01:51.592 --> 00:01:54.920 But there were other forces at work. 00:01:54.920 --> 00:01:57.015 The people in this film are actors, 00:01:57.015 --> 00:01:59.800 but the stories that they tell are true. 00:01:59.800 --> 00:02:03.610 00:02:03.610 --> 00:02:06.056 -I don't know much about my father. 00:02:06.056 --> 00:02:11.780 But I think my mother was single and unable to look after me. 00:02:11.780 --> 00:02:15.970 I was placed in a children's home. 00:02:15.970 --> 00:02:17.410 -It was her intention to come back 00:02:17.410 --> 00:02:20.045 for me when she got herself established 00:02:20.045 --> 00:02:22.215 and was able to care for me and herself. 00:02:22.215 --> 00:02:25.720 00:02:25.720 --> 00:02:29.590 -A priest came in and asked us who wanted to go to Australia. 00:02:29.590 --> 00:02:32.530 All of the children raised their hands. 00:02:32.530 --> 00:02:34.185 We didn't know where Australia was. 00:02:34.185 --> 00:02:37.210 We though it was just down the road. 00:02:37.210 --> 00:02:40.100 We were just excited because we wanted to go somewhere. 00:02:40.100 --> 00:02:42.760 -We were told that we'd be able to pick oranges off trees 00:02:42.760 --> 00:02:46.000 and ride to school on a kangaroo. 00:02:46.000 --> 00:02:50.530 -I remember someone coming into a room and calling out my name. 00:02:50.530 --> 00:02:53.190 I don't remember ever being asked if I wanted to go. 00:02:53.190 --> 00:02:55.870 But the next thing I knew, eight of us from the home 00:02:55.870 --> 00:02:58.590 were chosen. 00:02:58.590 --> 00:03:01.010 -We were all lined up in groups. 00:03:01.010 --> 00:03:04.840 One girl was mixed-race, so she was taken away. 00:03:04.840 --> 00:03:08.504 It was called the White Australia Policy. 00:03:08.504 --> 00:03:10.850 -When my mother came to see me, she 00:03:10.850 --> 00:03:13.805 was told that I'd gone to Australia. 00:03:13.805 --> 00:03:16.000 And that it was none of her business. 00:03:16.000 --> 00:03:19.115 00:03:19.115 --> 00:03:21.642 -The journey on the ship was great. 00:03:21.642 --> 00:03:24.408 There was a large number of children from all over. 00:03:24.408 --> 00:03:28.680 There was plenty of food and we ran around the ship having fun. 00:03:28.680 --> 00:03:30.160 -I felt sad throughout the journey 00:03:30.160 --> 00:03:35.570 as I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to my father. 00:03:35.570 --> 00:03:38.696 -Each boy was given a suit and a little suitcase. 00:03:38.696 --> 00:03:42.464 But when we got to Australia, the suits were taken from us 00:03:42.464 --> 00:03:45.480 and we never saw them again. 00:03:45.480 --> 00:03:47.590 -We were given gifts. 00:03:47.590 --> 00:03:51.510 A newspaper was doing an article about our arrival. 00:03:51.510 --> 00:03:53.122 The toys were just for show. 00:03:53.122 --> 00:03:55.080 -If you had a brother or a sister, some of them 00:03:55.080 --> 00:03:57.038 would make sure that you were separated and put 00:03:57.038 --> 00:03:59.260 into different homes. 00:03:59.260 --> 00:04:02.040 -On my first morning, a tall man in a black robe 00:04:02.040 --> 00:04:04.800 told all of us boys to stand in line. 00:04:04.800 --> 00:04:05.720 I was slow. 00:04:05.720 --> 00:04:07.575 And this man grabbed me by my arm 00:04:07.575 --> 00:04:09.970 and belted me with a heavy leather strap 00:04:09.970 --> 00:04:12.569 across my bare legs. 00:04:12.569 --> 00:04:14.860 -I asked one of the nuns who were looking after us when 00:04:14.860 --> 00:04:16.620 we would be returning home. 00:04:16.620 --> 00:04:19.829 And she hit me, a clout over the ear, 00:04:19.829 --> 00:04:22.310 and told me to get back in line. 00:04:22.310 --> 00:04:26.850 -My job was to polish the huge verandas on my hands and knees. 00:04:26.850 --> 00:04:30.820 They had to shine like mirrors or you'd pay for it. 00:04:30.820 --> 00:04:34.332 -We worked on the farm and the construction of a new building. 00:04:34.332 --> 00:04:37.057 We had to do all the work in our bare feet. 00:04:37.057 --> 00:04:39.242 In the winter it was freezing. 00:04:39.242 --> 00:04:41.820 They gave us old bags to put on our head 00:04:41.820 --> 00:04:45.730 while the rest of our body got soaked. 00:04:45.730 --> 00:04:47.810 -There was never enough food. 00:04:47.810 --> 00:04:51.740 And all these bugs used to live in the porridge. 00:04:51.740 --> 00:04:54.470 I'd sit by the wood pile to get the crusts which 00:04:54.470 --> 00:04:56.820 had been cut off the bread in the adults' dining room 00:04:56.820 --> 00:04:59.130 and thrown out. 00:04:59.130 --> 00:05:01.450 -Baths were once a week unless you wet the bed. 00:05:01.450 --> 00:05:03.420 And then you had a cold bath and was 00:05:03.420 --> 00:05:06.260 strapped for not being able to control yourself. 00:05:06.260 --> 00:05:09.650 -We weren't known by our names, but given a number. 00:05:09.650 --> 00:05:13.140 I was number 134. 00:05:13.140 --> 00:05:17.210 -One of the staff would prowl around the dormitory at night, 00:05:17.210 --> 00:05:21.100 wake up a boy, and take that boy to his room. 00:05:21.100 --> 00:05:23.790 I was always relieved when he'd walk past my bed 00:05:23.790 --> 00:05:27.280 and shine his torch at another bed. 00:05:27.280 --> 00:05:30.815 -When I told the nuns that I was having my period, 00:05:30.815 --> 00:05:33.890 they called me a filthy swine and gave me a few pieces 00:05:33.890 --> 00:05:36.424 of old sheet and pins. 00:05:36.424 --> 00:05:38.882 -We were meant to be under the care of the Australian Child 00:05:38.882 --> 00:05:39.673 Welfare Department. 00:05:39.673 --> 00:05:41.999 They may have spoken to people in charge, 00:05:41.999 --> 00:05:43.124 but they never spoke to me. 00:05:43.124 --> 00:05:46.130 00:05:46.130 --> 00:05:48.780 -After about six months, a nun told 00:05:48.780 --> 00:05:51.930 one of the girls who was crying and homesick, 00:05:51.930 --> 00:05:54.335 she would never be returning home. 00:05:54.335 --> 00:05:56.259 None of us would ever be returning. 00:05:56.259 --> 00:06:02.530 00:06:02.530 --> 00:06:04.790 -Over 100,000 young boys and girls 00:06:04.790 --> 00:06:06.850 were sent to countries across the British Empire 00:06:06.850 --> 00:06:09.200 and the Commonwealth. 00:06:09.200 --> 00:06:15.480 The very last group of children was sent to Australia in 1970. 00:06:15.480 --> 00:06:17.770 The people who set up these child migration schemes 00:06:17.770 --> 00:06:20.850 began with the best intentions. 00:06:20.850 --> 00:06:22.870 But within these churches and charities 00:06:22.870 --> 00:06:24.670 that no one thought to question, there 00:06:24.670 --> 00:06:27.770 were men and women who abused their power 00:06:27.770 --> 00:06:30.130 to take advantage of the vulnerable young people 00:06:30.130 --> 00:06:31.090 who were sent to them. 00:06:31.090 --> 00:06:34.000 00:06:34.000 --> 00:06:38.670 -I lost my identity when I arrived in Australia. 00:06:38.670 --> 00:06:42.920 I've been searching for answers all my life. 00:06:42.920 --> 00:06:46.090 Why were we sent? 00:06:46.090 --> 00:06:47.090 Have I family? 00:06:47.090 --> 00:06:50.430 00:06:50.430 --> 00:06:53.970 Who gave these people a right to break up families and ship them 00:06:53.970 --> 00:06:56.080 thousands of miles away from their homeland? 00:06:56.080 --> 00:06:58.740 00:06:58.740 --> 00:07:01.720 I know I'll never find proper answers. 00:07:01.720 --> 00:07:06.320 I try to put my past behind me where it belongs. 00:07:06.320 --> 00:07:14.600 But the memories never leave me. 00:07:14.600 --> 00:07:19.295 -I have nightmares every night of my life. 00:07:19.295 --> 00:07:24.608 I re-live my past and I'm happy when the daylight comes. 00:07:24.608 --> 00:07:29.450 00:07:29.450 --> 00:07:34.390 -Today across the world, children and young people 00:07:34.390 --> 00:07:37.820 like us are still being made to suffer by men and women 00:07:37.820 --> 00:07:42.060 abusing their positions of power and trust. 00:07:42.060 --> 00:07:44.790 In this story, most ordinary people 00:07:44.790 --> 00:07:47.370 didn't question or speak out. 00:07:47.370 --> 00:07:49.960 00:07:49.960 --> 00:07:50.750 You can. 00:07:50.750 --> 00:07:55.000 [MUSIC PLAYING] 00:07:55.000 --> 00:08:05.014