WEBVTT 00:00:01.468 --> 00:00:03.101 Survey Ship - Pantheon. 00:00:03.547 --> 00:00:05.714 Orbiting planet - Earth 00:00:06.226 --> 00:00:08.591 Dominant life form - Human 00:00:09.015 --> 00:00:11.534 Belief system - Various. 00:00:11.785 --> 00:00:13.784 More information required. 00:00:14.169 --> 00:00:16.003 Scanning for samples. 00:00:21.683 --> 00:00:23.656 Welcome to Survey Ship Pantheon. 00:00:23.679 --> 00:00:26.399 Our mission is to investigate the culture of your planet 00:00:26.495 --> 00:00:30.225 and you have been selected to represent your belief system. 00:00:30.242 --> 00:00:31.739 Please state your name. 00:00:31.846 --> 00:00:32.927 Baldeep Kaur 00:00:33.400 --> 00:00:34.091 Religion? 00:00:34.107 --> 00:00:34.801 Sikh. 00:00:35.308 --> 00:00:36.212 Holy book? 00:00:36.274 --> 00:00:37.467 Guru Granth Sahib. 00:00:38.030 --> 00:00:39.203 Holy building? 00:00:39.255 --> 00:00:42.481 The Gurdwara, but some people call it the Sikh Temple. 00:00:42.622 --> 00:00:43.577 Symbol? 00:00:43.726 --> 00:00:44.379 The Khanda. 00:00:44.417 --> 00:00:47.544 You will now be asked a series of questions from the categories on screen. 00:00:47.599 --> 00:00:52.744 You have 30 of your Earth seconds to provide a satisfactory answer to each one. 00:00:52.767 --> 00:00:56.163 Failure to comply will result in matter dispersal. 00:00:56.185 --> 00:00:57.454 Are you ready? 00:00:58.114 --> 00:00:58.614 Yes. 00:00:58.955 --> 00:00:59.835 Standby 00:01:01.127 --> 00:01:02.715 Choose the first category. 00:01:02.785 --> 00:01:03.495 God. 00:01:03.519 --> 00:01:05.633 What do you believe about God? 00:01:05.805 --> 00:01:09.677 We believe there is one God and he is known by different names. 00:01:09.805 --> 00:01:13.806 Most Sikhs will often refer to him as Waheguru, or The Glorious Guru, 00:01:13.902 --> 00:01:16.464 the One that will help you to understand the world. 00:01:16.559 --> 00:01:19.352 Others will refer to him as Satguru or Rab. 00:01:20.162 --> 00:01:23.488 We learn about him and his qualities through 00:01:23.503 --> 00:01:26.564 the beginning of the Guru Granth Sahib in something called the Mool Mantar. 00:01:27.384 --> 00:01:30.105 I'm referring to him as a 'him', but he has no gender, 00:01:30.343 --> 00:01:36.773 he has no form, he created the whole world, he's within us, he's everywhere. 00:01:42.374 --> 00:01:43.714 Life after death. 00:01:43.917 --> 00:01:46.607 What do you believe will happen to humans after death? 00:01:46.810 --> 00:01:50.072 All Sikhs believe that we have a soul called the atman 00:01:50.116 --> 00:01:52.031 that originated from the Waheguru 00:01:52.060 --> 00:01:55.906 and the aim of our life is for our soul to merge back with Waheguru. 00:01:56.412 --> 00:01:58.602 How that happens is based on our actions. 00:01:58.626 --> 00:02:01.660 We call them Karam and often we understand it as Karma. 00:02:01.832 --> 00:02:04.373 This basically means that if you do lots of good actions, 00:02:04.547 --> 00:02:08.497 then in your next life, your soul will be reborn into a new body, 00:02:08.529 --> 00:02:11.719 which will have less challenges than you had in this life, 00:02:11.758 --> 00:02:15.542 but if you did bad things, you then have more challenges in the next life. 00:02:22.163 --> 00:02:23.062 Beginnings. 00:02:24.074 --> 00:02:25.640 How did your religion begin? 00:02:26.047 --> 00:02:30.220 The religion began in the Punjab region, which is in Pakistan and India today, 00:02:30.347 --> 00:02:33.303 by someone called Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the early 1500s. 00:02:33.447 --> 00:02:34.974 He was born into a Hindu family, 00:02:35.037 --> 00:02:38.112 but he had friends from lots of different walks of life and different religions, 00:02:38.208 --> 00:02:41.139 and he really preached about equality and bringing people together. 00:02:41.224 --> 00:02:43.625 One day he went to have his normal bath in the river, 00:02:43.649 --> 00:02:45.031 but disappeared for three days. 00:02:45.127 --> 00:02:48.039 When he re-emerged he said, 'There is no Hindu or Muslim', 00:02:48.109 --> 00:02:49.845 basically saying there's no difference between us, 00:02:49.869 --> 00:02:51.335 and we should treat each other nicely, 00:02:51.456 --> 00:02:53.633 and all the other Gurus followed on with the same message 00:02:53.700 --> 00:02:56.160 until it went into one holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib. 00:03:01.218 --> 00:03:02.355 Everyday life. 00:03:03.151 --> 00:03:05.305 How does your religion affect everyday life? 00:03:05.384 --> 00:03:07.429 There are three main principles: 00:03:07.683 --> 00:03:11.814 One, is Naam Japna, that's reciting God's name and appreciating him in everything, 00:03:11.845 --> 00:03:13.901 and there are five daily prayers which most Sikhs do. 00:03:14.064 --> 00:03:17.642 There is also Kirat Karna - earning a living by honest means, 00:03:17.674 --> 00:03:19.762 so no cheating, no lying. 00:03:20.238 --> 00:03:23.808 There is also Vand Chhakna, which is sharing everything you have. 00:03:23.832 --> 00:03:26.472 Sikhs believe in equality and that everyone is equal. 00:03:26.495 --> 00:03:29.167 You can see this in the Gurdwara, where there is the langar, 00:03:29.205 --> 00:03:32.423 which is a free community kitchen that everyone can go to eat in. 00:03:32.459 --> 00:03:34.227 All the food there is vegetarian. 00:03:34.262 --> 00:03:35.728 Lots of Sikhs are vegetarian like me, 00:03:35.752 --> 00:03:37.514 but you don't have to be, it's a personal choice. 00:03:43.123 --> 00:03:44.265 Festivals. 00:03:45.395 --> 00:03:47.852 What is the most important festival in your religion? 00:03:48.067 --> 00:03:52.562 Vaisakhi. This was started by the 10th and the final Guru - Guru Gobind Singh. 00:03:52.616 --> 00:03:55.276 It was at time of harvest, so there was a festival then anyway. 00:03:55.305 --> 00:03:57.446 A lot of Sikhs had congregated at this time. 00:03:57.510 --> 00:04:01.158 Guru Gobind Singh had given everyone the opportunity to stand up for their faith 00:04:01.306 --> 00:04:04.873 and become committed to it because there was as a lot of persecution at the time. 00:04:05.097 --> 00:04:08.590 Five Sikhs took this opportunity, and today you can see that in Gurdwaras, 00:04:08.617 --> 00:04:11.595 as well where other people decide to become initiated into the religion, 00:04:11.715 --> 00:04:16.039 it is known as the birth of the Khalsa, the Community of the Pure. 00:04:20.874 --> 00:04:22.227 Rites of Passage. 00:04:22.259 --> 00:04:24.012 What is the Amrit Ceremony? 00:04:24.093 --> 00:04:28.437 The Amrit Ceremony is where Sikhs who want to show they're committed to the faith 00:04:28.453 --> 00:04:31.756 would take the sugary sweet water, which is called Amrit, 00:04:31.777 --> 00:04:35.314 it was started by the Guru Gobind Singh at the birth of the Khalsa in 1699. 00:04:36.143 --> 00:04:39.243 Sikhs would go to the Gurdwara and take part in this ceremony, 00:04:39.279 --> 00:04:41.181 to show they belong to the faith, 00:04:41.208 --> 00:04:44.057 after which they would make sure they keep the 5 Ks: 00:04:44.064 --> 00:04:45.313 The Kesh - the uncut hair; 00:04:45.337 --> 00:04:46.834 Kachera - the shorts; 00:04:46.867 --> 00:04:48.242 the Kirpan - the small sword; 00:04:48.259 --> 00:04:50.294 the Kangha - the small comb; 00:04:50.295 --> 00:04:51.415 the Kara - the steel bangle. 00:04:51.430 --> 00:04:54.374 They may also take the surname Singh or Kaur, 00:04:54.405 --> 00:04:55.845 depending if they are male or female. 00:05:02.630 --> 00:05:03.728 Random. 00:05:03.752 --> 00:05:05.901 Why do Sikhs carry a knife? 00:05:05.944 --> 00:05:11.041 Only those Sikhs who have been initiated into the Khalsa would carry the knife, 00:05:11.088 --> 00:05:12.572 which is known as the Kirpan. 00:05:13.147 --> 00:05:16.552 It symbolises fighting all types of injustices. 00:05:16.601 --> 00:05:20.311 At that time in 1699, and in that era, 00:05:20.422 --> 00:05:23.687 a lot of Sikhs and non-Sikhs were being persecuted for their various beliefs, 00:05:23.845 --> 00:05:27.010 so Sikhs were defending not only themselves but everyone else, 00:05:27.038 --> 00:05:28.942 especially those that could not defend themselves. 00:05:29.008 --> 00:05:32.197 Today it is used as a sign to fight all types of injustices, 00:05:32.243 --> 00:05:34.736 whether they're social, political or violent. 00:05:38.012 --> 00:05:40.816 Thank you. Your answers are satisfactory. 00:05:40.918 --> 00:05:44.517 Matter dispersal beams powering down. 00:05:45.909 --> 00:05:48.562 You will now be returned to Earth, human. 00:05:48.897 --> 00:05:50.850 Thank you, bye!