WEBVTT 00:00:01.273 --> 00:00:03.421 Survey Ship - Pantheon. 00:00:03.460 --> 00:00:05.780 Orbiting planet – Earth. 00:00:05.833 --> 00:00:08.435 Dominant life form – Human. 00:00:08.973 --> 00:00:11.305 Belief system - Various. 00:00:11.866 --> 00:00:13.826 More information required. 00:00:14.195 --> 00:00:15.690 Scanning for samples. 00:00:24.032 --> 00:00:25.887 Welcome to Survey Ship Pantheon. 00:00:25.940 --> 00:00:28.597 Our mission is to investigate the culture of your planet 00:00:28.796 --> 00:00:32.279 and you have been selected to represent your belief system. 00:00:32.556 --> 00:00:34.121 Please state your name. 00:00:34.282 --> 00:00:35.161 Rupal Patel. 00:00:35.709 --> 00:00:36.484 Religion? 00:00:36.556 --> 00:00:37.502 Hindu. 00:00:37.771 --> 00:00:38.815 Holy book? 00:00:38.955 --> 00:00:41.424 There are lots. The key ones are: 00:00:41.504 --> 00:00:44.341 the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. 00:00:44.381 --> 00:00:45.795 Holy building? 00:00:45.947 --> 00:00:49.394 The Mandir, or also known as a Hindu Temple. 00:00:49.504 --> 00:00:50.437 Symbol? 00:00:50.489 --> 00:00:50.996 The Om. 00:00:51.021 --> 00:00:54.499 You will now be asked a series of questions from the categories on screen. 00:00:54.529 --> 00:00:59.584 You have 30 of your Earth seconds to provide a satisfactory answer to each one. 00:00:59.618 --> 00:01:03.023 Failure to comply will result in matter dispersal. 00:01:04.623 --> 00:01:05.690 Standby. 00:01:05.756 --> 00:01:07.442 Choose the first category. 00:01:08.381 --> 00:01:09.375 God. 00:01:09.975 --> 00:01:11.692 What do you believe about God? 00:01:12.737 --> 00:01:16.667 Hindus believe there's One Supreme God. He's the all-doer. 00:01:16.791 --> 00:01:20.218 He's come down on this Earth and he's known by different names. 00:01:20.473 --> 00:01:21.837 We call him Bhagwan. 00:01:22.157 --> 00:01:26.156 He is ultimately the Creator, Sustainer and the Destroyer, 00:01:26.170 --> 00:01:31.243 also known as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and seen in Hindu temples 00:01:31.415 --> 00:01:32.918 in lots of different forms. 00:01:38.807 --> 00:01:40.191 Life after Death. 00:01:40.825 --> 00:01:43.542 What do you believe will happen to humans after death? 00:01:44.298 --> 00:01:47.458 Hindus believe that each life form has an atman. 00:01:47.512 --> 00:01:50.402 This, in essence, is an immortal soul. 00:01:50.457 --> 00:01:53.974 Following death, the atman moves into a new life form, 00:01:54.005 --> 00:01:58.047 and the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, we call reincarnation. 00:01:58.106 --> 00:02:00.859 During each life, we do lots of good things, lots of bad things 00:02:00.876 --> 00:02:02.216 which is called Karma, 00:02:02.233 --> 00:02:07.557 and we try to do lots of good things to have a better life, 00:02:07.689 --> 00:02:11.768 and ultimately, our chief aim is to go and live with God 00:02:11.771 --> 00:02:13.124 by having lots of good Karma. 00:02:19.936 --> 00:02:20.684 Beginnings. 00:02:21.120 --> 00:02:22.668 How did your religion begin? 00:02:22.792 --> 00:02:26.593 Hinduism is unique in that it doesn't have a single founder. 00:02:27.476 --> 00:02:29.431 We see it as an eternal religion, 00:02:29.454 --> 00:02:32.597 it never really started, but it was revealed to us. 00:02:32.633 --> 00:02:37.416 It was revealed through scriptures or religious texts like 00:02:37.799 --> 00:02:42.879 the Vedas, and also through the incarnation of God on this Earth, 00:02:43.629 --> 00:02:46.394 for example, for some Hindus, Lord Krishna. 00:02:53.190 --> 00:02:54.142 Everyday Life. 00:02:54.371 --> 00:02:56.755 How does your religion affect everyday life? 00:02:57.090 --> 00:03:02.092 I will start each day by praying to God in front of my home Mandir, 00:03:02.471 --> 00:03:04.389 and that we call a puja. 00:03:04.595 --> 00:03:08.974 I have a strict vegetarian diet, Hindus believe in non-violence. 00:03:09.760 --> 00:03:12.598 Our scriptures also give us lots of detail in terms of 00:03:12.630 --> 00:03:17.255 our duty to our family, our duty to society, our environment. 00:03:17.301 --> 00:03:20.698 In essence, we're trying to be good people, get lots of good karma, 00:03:20.718 --> 00:03:25.220 so we can go and be with God. 00:03:32.390 --> 00:03:33.453 Festivals. 00:03:33.744 --> 00:03:36.520 What is the most important festival in your religion? 00:03:37.873 --> 00:03:40.828 Hinduism is full of lots and lots of festivals, 00:03:40.917 --> 00:03:43.464 including Holi, Ankot. 00:03:43.619 --> 00:03:47.147 One of the most popular and well known is Diwali, 00:03:47.251 --> 00:03:48.768 which is the Festival of Light. 00:03:48.799 --> 00:03:51.461 We have loads of fireworks, we light diyas, 00:03:51.539 --> 00:03:58.774 and in essence we're marking the return of Sita and Rama from 14 years in exile. 00:03:59.147 --> 00:04:06.259 For us, it's celebrating the defeat of darkness with light. 00:04:12.449 --> 00:04:13.458 Rites of Passage. 00:04:13.551 --> 00:04:16.046 What happens at a Hindu funeral? 00:04:16.138 --> 00:04:20.428 Hindus are generally cremated, that's the burning of the body. 00:04:20.514 --> 00:04:24.107 We feel that it helps to release the atman from the body. 00:04:24.582 --> 00:04:29.314 We wear white, we sprinkle water over the body, we sing lots of prayers, 00:04:29.394 --> 00:04:32.680 and following the cremation, the ashes will be distributed in water, 00:04:32.696 --> 00:04:34.056 ideally the river Ganges. 00:04:34.432 --> 00:04:37.658 Just like a river flows into the sea, 00:04:37.681 --> 00:04:40.793 we're aiming for the atman to go back to God. 00:04:48.428 --> 00:04:49.222 Random. 00:04:49.372 --> 00:04:53.297 Why do so many Hindus have a dot on their foreheads? 00:04:53.344 --> 00:04:54.809 The dot is a chandlo. 00:04:54.841 --> 00:04:58.048 It's traditionally made out of red pollen paint, 00:04:58.092 --> 00:05:00.909 and it's a mark of our faith and our commitment to God, 00:05:01.086 --> 00:05:05.063 we will apply it during puja or during worship, 00:05:05.145 --> 00:05:08.244 and often, you'll see married women wearing a chandlo, 00:05:08.275 --> 00:05:10.820 that's a mark of their commitment to their husbands. 00:05:12.315 --> 00:05:14.885 Thank you. Your answers are satisfactory. 00:05:15.321 --> 00:05:18.968 Matter dispersal beams powering down. 00:05:20.145 --> 00:05:22.687 You will now be returned to Earth, human. 00:05:22.701 --> 00:05:23.406 Thank you! 00:05:23.461 --> 00:05:24.392 Goodbye.