WEBVTT 00:00:26.242 --> 00:00:29.086 I'm Anna, and I was baptised when I was 13 00:00:29.098 --> 00:00:31.961 in a Church of England, or Anglican Church. 00:00:32.719 --> 00:00:36.436 Some churches baptise babies to welcome them into Christianity, 00:00:36.465 --> 00:00:37.856 others only baptise people 00:00:37.880 --> 00:00:40.644 when they're old enough to make the decision for themselves. 00:00:43.240 --> 00:00:45.895 When I was a baby, instead of baptising me, 00:00:45.900 --> 00:00:48.870 my parents decided to give me a service of Dedication, 00:00:48.901 --> 00:00:51.831 which means that they said that they'd bring me up in a Christian home 00:00:51.836 --> 00:00:54.700 and tell me about what they thought of God, 00:00:54.903 --> 00:00:57.707 but that they'd leave it to me to decide whether I believed 00:00:57.716 --> 00:01:00.030 and wanted to live by that faith or not. 00:01:02.912 --> 00:01:05.495 As I grew up I asked a lot of questions, 00:01:05.526 --> 00:01:08.506 and I came to the conclusion that I did believe that it was true. 00:01:08.905 --> 00:01:10.763 So when they were doing baptisms at church 00:01:10.788 --> 00:01:12.578 I thought it would be a good opportunity 00:01:12.593 --> 00:01:15.314 to make a proper and public commitment to God. 00:01:17.119 --> 00:01:20.498 It's very common in Anglican churches to baptise infants. 00:01:21.009 --> 00:01:23.474 I've come to St. John the Evangelist Church, 00:01:23.510 --> 00:01:27.844 to talk to the Associate Vicar, Rachel Hawes and find out more. 00:01:28.738 --> 00:01:32.635 All religions have ceremonies, 00:01:32.755 --> 00:01:38.170 we call them Initiation Rites, which mark people's entry into the religion 00:01:38.637 --> 00:01:40.799 and so baptism for Christians 00:01:40.830 --> 00:01:46.461 is the important ceremony or initiation rite into the Christian faith 00:01:46.849 --> 00:01:50.374 and it has been from the very beginning of Christianity. 00:01:50.656 --> 00:01:54.851 So, what happens in a typical Anglican infant baptism? 00:01:55.085 --> 00:01:57.279 We do it in the main service, 00:01:57.286 --> 00:02:00.292 and the parents will come to the font with the baby, 00:02:00.305 --> 00:02:04.254 and the font's the name for whatever we put the water in, 00:02:04.277 --> 00:02:07.430 and this, which we're standing by, is our font. 00:02:07.641 --> 00:02:10.999 The first thing that happens in baptism, 00:02:11.116 --> 00:02:14.336 is that we have a series of promises. 00:02:14.577 --> 00:02:18.510 Now, when adults are baptised they make these promises for themselves, 00:02:18.526 --> 00:02:20.559 but when a baby is baptised, 00:02:20.583 --> 00:02:23.104 obviously they're too young to make the promises, 00:02:23.139 --> 00:02:25.402 so their parents and their godparents 00:02:25.417 --> 00:02:27.662 make the promises on their behalf. 00:02:28.086 --> 00:02:29.900 Will you pray for her, 00:02:30.058 --> 00:02:33.736 draw her by your example into the community of faith 00:02:33.856 --> 00:02:37.021 and walk with her in the way of Christ? 00:02:37.740 --> 00:02:39.869 With the help of God we will. 00:02:40.283 --> 00:02:44.811 In baptism, this child begins her journey of faith. 00:02:45.160 --> 00:02:48.018 You speak for her today. 00:02:48.276 --> 00:02:52.344 Will you care for her and help her to take her place 00:02:52.368 --> 00:02:56.112 within the life and worship of Christ's Church? 00:02:56.569 --> 00:02:58.638 With the help of God we will. 00:02:58.918 --> 00:03:02.603 Then the second very important picture or image in baptism 00:03:02.763 --> 00:03:04.937 is the Signing with the Cross. 00:03:05.187 --> 00:03:09.912 We have holy oil, and so the priest will take the oil, 00:03:09.929 --> 00:03:14.253 and dip their thumb in it and sign the baby on the forehead and say, 00:03:14.867 --> 00:03:18.712 'Christ claims you for his own, receive the sign of his Cross'. 00:03:18.829 --> 00:03:22.172 We offer the oil to all the parents and godparents 00:03:22.209 --> 00:03:26.126 so that they too can dip their thumb in and sign the baby on the forehead. 00:03:26.509 --> 00:03:28.085 Then we come to the water. 00:03:28.218 --> 00:03:32.555 Water is obviously central to the service of baptism, 00:03:32.608 --> 00:03:35.507 and we pour the water into the font at that point, 00:03:35.535 --> 00:03:38.968 and usually here we ask one of the parents or godparents 00:03:38.991 --> 00:03:42.559 to pour the water in so that everybody can see it going in 00:03:42.665 --> 00:03:44.695 and then the priest will bless it. 00:03:44.906 --> 00:03:48.396 Now, sanctify this water, 00:03:48.837 --> 00:03:51.560 that by the power of your Holy Spirit 00:03:51.560 --> 00:03:54.775 they may be cleansed from sin and born again. 00:03:54.907 --> 00:03:58.365 Then they will use it to baptise the child. 00:04:03.148 --> 00:04:07.323 Rosabelle Leah, I baptise thee 00:04:07.355 --> 00:04:13.941 in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 00:04:13.957 --> 00:04:15.430 Amen. 00:04:23.872 --> 00:04:27.643 At the end of the service we will call the parents 00:04:27.790 --> 00:04:31.380 up to the chancel, that's where the altar is, 00:04:31.419 --> 00:04:33.874 and we will light a special candle, 00:04:34.129 --> 00:04:35.456 for the baby, 00:04:35.804 --> 00:04:38.216 from the candles on the altar. 00:04:38.277 --> 00:04:40.689 We will give it to the parents for the baby. 00:04:40.817 --> 00:04:44.553 So obviously a baby is too young to understand what's going on. 00:04:45.515 --> 00:04:49.559 Could you tell me why a parent might choose to have their baby baptised? 00:04:49.700 --> 00:04:53.232 We believe that baptism is not just something we do, 00:04:53.326 --> 00:04:55.078 it's something that God does. 00:04:55.127 --> 00:04:59.617 We believe that God is present at the baptism and is working in it 00:05:00.024 --> 00:05:02.995 and Christians believe that as the baby grows, 00:05:03.046 --> 00:05:06.476 God is present with them and in their lives, 00:05:06.508 --> 00:05:10.558 and that they will come to understand what has happened to them in baptism. 00:05:13.065 --> 00:05:15.983 Some churches don't allow infant baptisms at all. 00:05:16.146 --> 00:05:19.404 They wait until the person is old enough to choose for themselves. 00:05:19.586 --> 00:05:21.816 This is called a 'Believer's Baptism'. 00:05:25.488 --> 00:05:27.624 As a church we practise Believer's Baptism, 00:05:27.654 --> 00:05:29.263 and that's different than some churches 00:05:29.310 --> 00:05:31.830 like the Church of England or the Roman Catholic Church. 00:05:31.850 --> 00:05:34.830 We believe baptism is for someone who consciously commits themselves 00:05:34.845 --> 00:05:36.844 to being a disciple of Jesus Christ. 00:05:37.182 --> 00:05:40.144 So how does baptism work in a Baptist Church? 00:05:40.537 --> 00:05:43.667 Normally, when people want to get baptised, they come to see me, 00:05:43.722 --> 00:05:49.302 that's usually anyone from early teenage years and over, 00:05:49.357 --> 00:05:51.157 so all ages. 00:05:51.243 --> 00:05:55.050 They'll come, we'll have baptism class, we'll take them through 3 sessions 00:05:55.091 --> 00:05:58.279 and explain what baptism is, what it means for them as a Christian, 00:05:58.311 --> 00:06:01.229 what it means for their commitment to the church, 00:06:01.456 --> 00:06:03.956 and then there's a time scheduled for a baptism, 00:06:04.067 --> 00:06:07.011 sometimes it's one person, sometimes there's a group. 00:06:07.553 --> 00:06:10.132 It will happen here, this is the Baptistry. 00:06:10.155 --> 00:06:12.450 And what will happen on a Sunday morning, 00:06:12.494 --> 00:06:16.460 we'll have a congregation here and at the end of the service 00:06:16.794 --> 00:06:18.804 the person will be asked to come up, 00:06:19.100 --> 00:06:20.736 they'll give what we call their testimony, 00:06:20.758 --> 00:06:23.601 they'll explain how they became a Christian, 00:06:23.660 --> 00:06:26.649 why they want to get baptised, what it means for them. 00:06:27.469 --> 00:06:32.782 Learning to trust in him has changed my life forever. 00:06:33.235 --> 00:06:35.348 Then the person will come into the pool, 00:06:35.366 --> 00:06:37.135 so they'll come up over here, 00:06:37.548 --> 00:06:39.134 and down into the pool. 00:06:39.151 --> 00:06:42.287 There'll usually be me or one of the other leaders of the church. 00:06:48.791 --> 00:06:50.297 I'll ask them a question at that point. 00:06:50.327 --> 00:06:53.154 At your baptism do you profess repentance towards God, 00:06:53.196 --> 00:06:56.098 and faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? 00:06:56.126 --> 00:06:57.129 Yes, I do. 00:06:57.216 --> 00:06:59.432 Then upon your profession of of repentance towards God, 00:06:59.454 --> 00:07:01.823 and faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, 00:07:01.854 --> 00:07:06.306 we baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 00:07:08.537 --> 00:07:12.209 Baptism means partly that you identify with Jesus 00:07:12.217 --> 00:07:13.485 and his death and resurrection, 00:07:13.500 --> 00:07:14.961 and the Bible speaks about how 00:07:14.991 --> 00:07:17.250 someone who trusts in Jesus, dies with Christ, 00:07:17.257 --> 00:07:20.980 and his death on the cross is for them and how he rose again, 00:07:21.012 --> 00:07:23.076 and his resurrection is for them as well. 00:07:23.092 --> 00:07:24.972 Baptism is a very powerful picture of that, 00:07:25.000 --> 00:07:28.463 when you're immersed into water, going down into death, coming up, life. 00:07:34.231 --> 00:07:37.916 So, as you can see, baptism can take many different forms. 00:07:38.241 --> 00:07:41.194 Ultimately, it's about forgiveness and renewal.