WEBVTT 00:00:05.027 --> 00:00:08.994 The people we looked at were two young ladies. 00:00:09.211 --> 00:00:11.721 Quite different in shape and size. 00:00:11.735 --> 00:00:14.060 One fairly petite, the other one very tall. 00:00:14.092 --> 00:00:18.564 Interestingly similar results when it comes to their body fat percentages. 00:00:18.667 --> 00:00:23.140 So, Debbie for example, was 178 cm tall, 00:00:23.156 --> 00:00:24.671 which is really quite tall for a girl. 00:00:25.084 --> 00:00:29.338 She weighed 74.4 kg. On the face of it that sounds quite a lot. 00:00:29.388 --> 00:00:32.773 But in fact when you look at her BMI, it comes out at 23, 00:00:32.797 --> 00:00:35.131 which is absolutely excellent. 00:00:35.154 --> 00:00:38.868 Again, her fat percentage was around 25 percent, which is good. 00:00:38.918 --> 00:00:41.718 And her waist to hip ratio, again was normal. 00:00:42.500 --> 00:00:45.486 And then we had Roseanne who's a quite a petite girl, 00:00:45.486 --> 00:00:50.682 165 cm tall, weighs only 61.5 kg. 00:00:51.055 --> 00:00:55.807 But has exactly the same BMI of 23. And looking at the two girls together, 00:00:55.857 --> 00:00:57.581 you wouldn't have thought that they were 00:00:57.581 --> 00:00:59.692 going to come out with exactly the same figure. 00:00:59.692 --> 00:01:04.164 And again her body fat percentage, just under 25 percent mark. 00:01:04.482 --> 00:01:07.019 And a very similar waist to hip ratio. 00:01:09.905 --> 00:01:12.064 Then if we come on to the two chaps, 00:01:12.127 --> 00:01:15.663 they look very different and their results are very different. 00:01:16.352 --> 00:01:19.481 The first bloke we looked at, Clifton, he's quite small, 00:01:19.493 --> 00:01:27.266 but very very muscular, 1.7 metres tall, and he weighed 70.7 kg. 00:01:27.313 --> 00:01:30.437 And his BMI actually works out to 24, which is 00:01:30.468 --> 00:01:33.348 a bit more than our ladies that we looked at. 00:01:33.398 --> 00:01:36.131 And almost tipping up towards the overweight mark. 00:01:36.131 --> 00:01:38.951 Whereas clearly looking at his body there was not a lot 00:01:38.951 --> 00:01:40.855 of spare fat on him anywhere. 00:01:40.895 --> 00:01:45.082 So when you measure his body fat percentage it's actually only 14,8, 00:01:45.090 --> 00:01:48.547 which is almost at professional athlete type levels. 00:01:48.599 --> 00:01:53.766 We had a waist to hip ratio of 0.77 which is well under 00:01:53.816 --> 00:01:56.315 the limit of 0.9 for a bloke. 00:01:56.363 --> 00:02:03.466 Whereas Chris, the second bloke that we looked at, very tall, 195 cm, 00:02:03.466 --> 00:02:06.470 But heavy. He weighed twice as much as Clifton did. 00:02:06.470 --> 00:02:12.310 143.1 kg, so his BMI was actually 37.6. 00:02:12.937 --> 00:02:18.967 It's not just into the obese range, it's heading into the morbidly obese range. 00:02:20.029 --> 00:02:24.847 His body fat percentage, however, was 34.7 percent. 00:02:24.897 --> 00:02:27.783 Which is perhaps not as worrying on the face of it 00:02:27.807 --> 00:02:29.251 I think that, again, reflects the fact that 00:02:29.301 --> 00:02:31.800 he's a very big chap, so you would expect him 00:02:31.850 --> 00:02:33.096 to be fairly heavy anyway. 00:02:33.176 --> 00:02:38.943 However his waist was 120 cm and his hips were only 123 cm. 00:02:39.260 --> 00:02:43.284 So his waist to hip ratio is 0.97. 00:02:43.308 --> 00:02:45.436 So that's really quite high for a bloke.