WEBVTT 00:00:02.561 --> 00:00:05.632 I don't believe that human beings are more intelligent than other animals. 00:00:05.801 --> 00:00:09.879 There's a really straightforward way on how we should measure intelligence, 00:00:09.952 --> 00:00:14.873 by how well a specific animal species has adapted to its own environment. 00:00:15.053 --> 00:00:20.513 So, there's no real way to compare intelligence across different species, 00:00:20.576 --> 00:00:22.978 we're all just adapted to our own environments. 00:00:23.169 --> 00:00:27.564 Just as a dolphin may be ill equipped to live and function in the human world, 00:00:27.622 --> 00:00:31.477 humans would probably be considered stupid and ill adapted in the dolphin world. 00:00:37.812 --> 00:00:39.768 We should treat animals as our equals 00:00:39.814 --> 00:00:43.417 and as much we should preserve their habitats and numbers in the wild. 00:00:43.512 --> 00:00:51.075 In our current society, we have a total disregard for many animals and their habitats, 00:00:51.099 --> 00:00:53.911 which has left many species critically endangered. 00:00:53.945 --> 00:00:58.430 Does it show we're less intelligent because we're destroying our own habitat? 00:00:58.509 --> 00:01:00.928 I probably wouldn't like to say. 00:01:01.017 --> 00:01:04.855 I study communication in animals and particularly great apes. 00:01:04.902 --> 00:01:07.223 You better understand that the skills that are critical to the 00:01:07.254 --> 00:01:09.050 evolution of modern human speech, 00:01:09.074 --> 00:01:11.660 great apes might hold the clues for us to understand 00:01:11.708 --> 00:01:15.440 how modern humans communicated before we developed our verbal speech. 00:01:15.532 --> 00:01:19.926 The best way to understand this is to look at our closest living relatives, 00:01:19.994 --> 00:01:21.314 which are great apes. 00:01:21.364 --> 00:01:25.273 Crucially, I tried not to project our own 00:01:25.298 --> 00:01:27.494 human communication skills upon other animals, 00:01:27.606 --> 00:01:31.309 but rather work out their own communication strategies. 00:01:31.448 --> 00:01:33.364 Well, we might be at the top of the food chain, 00:01:33.402 --> 00:01:36.237 due to our ability to manipulate our environment, 00:01:36.278 --> 00:01:39.182 and therefore, like to manufacture weapons. 00:01:39.634 --> 00:01:44.828 We don't use these abilities responsibly or intelligently. 00:01:44.894 --> 00:01:48.321 This puts us at the top of the chain for destroying our planet. 00:01:48.541 --> 00:01:55.465 Our human lifestyle habits cause more destruction to other species and habitats, globally. 00:01:55.522 --> 00:01:58.041 I believe that we are all here sharing the same planet, 00:01:58.120 --> 00:02:00.243 we should find a way to co-exist. 00:02:00.435 --> 00:02:06.500 But, some people may think it's controversial to eat meat, 00:02:06.619 --> 00:02:10.503 or to breed animals for whatever purpose. 00:02:10.603 --> 00:02:13.817 This is a food chain and this is how our planet is. 00:02:14.020 --> 00:02:18.091 We've biologically evolved to eat meat, and it's one of the things 00:02:18.198 --> 00:02:22.141 that scientists believe may be partially responsible for our large brains. 00:02:22.290 --> 00:02:25.784 Working with great apes is an amazing experience. 00:02:25.820 --> 00:02:27.948 There are some gorillas who are going to befriend you 00:02:27.995 --> 00:02:30.304 and others who will not care for you, really. 00:02:30.379 --> 00:02:35.141 That's because they're all individuals and have different personalities. 00:02:35.181 --> 00:02:39.751 In any case, when coming in, observing them week upon week, 00:02:40.469 --> 00:02:46.092 I formed a relationship with one female gorilla called Emmy. 00:02:46.137 --> 00:02:49.186 She used to sit with us and she would look at you through the glass 00:02:49.207 --> 00:02:53.321 and she'd make faces, she'd get as close to you as she could. 00:02:53.383 --> 00:02:58.676 I became pregnant with my second child and her behaviour began to change 00:02:58.739 --> 00:03:04.930 I couldn't work out what it was, but she started to become more aggressive towards me. 00:03:05.024 --> 00:03:07.711 As my bump began to grow, 00:03:07.741 --> 00:03:11.524 rather than following us around and being really lovely and gentle, 00:03:12.147 --> 00:03:18.415 she started collecting rocks and sticks and hurling them at me. 00:03:21.036 --> 00:03:25.981 Very premeditated behavior, very intelligent behaviour, very thoughtful behaviour. 00:03:26.240 --> 00:03:31.091 You can see her choose her weapons and take action. 00:03:31.218 --> 00:03:34.693 Working with great apes is an amazing experience. 00:03:35.226 --> 00:03:37.055 We look at humans as special, 00:03:37.094 --> 00:03:39.665 for many years we thought that we were the only ones 00:03:39.702 --> 00:03:42.593 who could use tools, who could hunt co-cooperatively, 00:03:42.632 --> 00:03:45.773 or could even communicate with underlying structures. 00:03:45.820 --> 00:03:49.023 Time and time again, we're being proven wrong