In Their Shoes: Lee and Lucy – Lee was killed in a car accident at the age of just 21. His parents agreed that all of his organs could be used for transplantation, apart from his heart; but they now wish they’d allowed Lee’s heart to help someone else as well.
In Their Shoes: James – James was born without fully-formed kidneys and eventually received a transplant. He and his parents talk about the difference it made to his life – eventually enabling him to compete in the British Transplant Games.
In Their Shoes: Diane and Tuhin – Diane’s daughter died at the age of just 18, but out of that tragedy, two children received donated corneas and were able to see again. The donated organs and other body parts of just one person can potentially save the lives of 5 to 7 people.
TrueTube challenges the public on their opinions of organ donation, asking: whether or not they have a donor card; whether they’d be comfortable with giving others their organs; and if it’s right for the government to change the laws on organ donation.