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Fine – Joe returns to school after his mother’s funeral, and has to cope with his bereavement surrounded by friends who don’t understand what he’s going through, and teachers who are unsure how to help him.

A film by Emily May Smith.

With thanks to Portsmouth Grammar School.

If someone close to you has died, or if a friend is trying to cope with the death of someone they knew, you can find support and guidance at Child Bereavement UK.


Video length - 10.31
Published date - Sep 2018
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Designer Babies: The Mother – Elaine inherited a genetic fault which increases her chances of getting breast cancer, and she has passed it on to one of her daughters. Having suffered treatment for cancer she now wishes that genetic screening had been available for the sake of future generations.

Courtesy of 4thought.tv

Designer Babies: The Mother

Video length - 01.48
Published date - Mar 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Loss Without Warning

Ella lost her father to a rare blood disease, after he had got over cancer only a few months before. With great strength, she talks about the experience of losing her dad and how she has coped since.

Loss Without Warning

Video length - 05.22
Published date - Aug 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Good Grief

Michael’s mum died of cancer when he was in his late teens. He talks about how scared he was watching his mum fail to respond to the medication and treatment. He discusses how he got through the last few months of her life, and how he dealt with his grief once she had passed away.

Good Grief

Video length - 04.24
Published date - Apr 2009
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Skin Damage

Skin treatments designed to make us lighter can be just as dangerous as those intended to make us darker. In this film, skin experts give advice on how to keep skin healthy and avoid longer term, potentially fatal, damage to skin.

Skin Damage

Video length - 03.00
Published date - Jan 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources