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Choosing Your Faith: Baha’i – How did you choose your faith? After many years of searching, Karl became a Baha’i in his twenties. He describes the central teachings of his new faith and the persecution suffered by Baha’is in some parts of the world.

Coutesy of 4thought.tv

Choosing Your Faith: Baha’i

Video length - 01.50
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Choosing Your Faith: Scientology – How did you choose your new faith? Peter’s life was turned around when he joined the Church of Scientology. He believes that the practical advice it gave was responsible for his success in business, and that Scientology is the path to happiness.

Courtesy of 4thought.tv

Choosing Your Faith: Scientology

Video length - 01.56
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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I Wish I Went to Ecuador – Pupils at Bricknell Primary School collaborated with animator David Bunting and local campaigning organisation, One Hull Of A Rainforest, to create this beautiful animated campaign film about a teacher’s life-changing expedition into the heart of the Ecuadorian rainforest on a joint mission to preserve these vital resources.

I Wish I Went to Ecuador

Video length - 06.15
Published date - Dec 2013
Keystage(s) - 2 and 3
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Bethlehem Bureaucrat – Joseph and his bride-to-be Mary went to Bethlehem to register in a census, but the Bible is strangely silent about what happened when Joseph faced the bureaucrats with his story. This film attempts to fill in the gap.

Bethlehem Bureaucrat

Video length - 2.58
Published date - Nov 2013
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5
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How Islam began in under ten minutes? Not a problem. The turbulent tale is told against the clock, with all the names, dates and events on a timeline. Animation by Ceiren Bell.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:



Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices- Islam - Practices, Duties and Festivals. Tawhid - (the Oneness of God), Qur’an Surah 112 Hajj: the role and significance of the pilgrimage to Makkah including origins, how Hajj is performed, the actions pilgrims perform at sites including the Ka’aba at Makkah, Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifah and their significance.



Area of Study 1- Islam - Section 1: Muslim Beliefs - Islam - The nature of Allah: how the characteristics of Allah are shown in the Qur’an and why they are important: Tawhid (oneness), including Surah 16: 35–36, immanence, transcendence, omnipotence, beneficence, mercy, fairness and justice, Adalat in Shi’a Islam.
Section 3: Living the Muslim Life - Islam Hajj as one of the Five Pillars: the nature, role, origins and significance of Hajj, including Surah 2: 124–130; 22: 25–30; how Hajj is performed and why Hajj is important for Muslims; benefits and challenges from attending Hajj for Muslims."
Componet Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - the existence of God, gods and ultimate reality, and ways in which God, gods or ultimate reality might be understood; through revelation, visions, miracles or enlightenment. Component Group 1–Practices - Islam - Public acts of worship - Salah as direct communication with Allah. The importance of practices - Islam as a way of life, lived in total submission to Allah • The importance of the Five Pillars of Islam to Sunni Muslims • The meaning of the Five Pillars: •• Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith •• Salat: performing ritual prayers in the proper way five times each day •• Zakat/Zakah: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit the poor and the needy •• Sawm: fasting during the month of Ramadan •• Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca • The analogy of the house and pillars
2.1 Unit 1 PART A - Part A - Islam - Core beliefs, teachings and practices - Beliefs - The Nature of God  Allah as one God: Tawhid (Qur'an 3:18)  The qualities of Allah in the Qur'an; e.g. immanence, transcendence, omnipotence, beneficence, merciful (Qur'an 46:33), the 99 names of Allah  The meaning of Islam as 'submission' to Allah and how Muslims live a life in submission to the will of Allah, including the importance of Greater Jihad  Shahadah as a statement of faith in Allah, shirk as sin against Allah  Reasons for the prohibition of images of Allah or any human figure
Component 3 (Route A): Study of a World Faith: Option 3: Islam:The Nature of Allah ➢ The teaching about the nature of Allah: the belief in the oneness of Allah (Tawhid): Qur'an 3:18 ➢ Nature of Allah: immanence, transcendence, omnipotence, beneficence, mercy, fairness and justice: Qur'an 46:33 ➢ Adalat in Shi'a Islam Prophet hood (Risalah) ➢ The nature of prophet hood; why are prophets important? Qur'an 2:136 ➢ The importance of Adam as the first prophet ➢ Ibrahim as father of Isaac and Ishma'il and his significance for the Muslim religion ➢ Isa as a prophet for Muslims: Qur'an 2:87 ➢ Muhammad as the seal of the Prophets Angels (Malaikah) ➢ The significance of angels in Islam: Qur’an 2:97-98,Qur’an 2:285 ➢ Diversity in belief between Shi’a and Sunni Muslims regarding angels and free will ➢ The significance of Jibril's revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad: Qur’an 2:97-98 ➢ The significance of Mika'il placed in charge of plants and rain ➢ The significance of Israfil to announce the Day of Resurrection Akhirah (Afterlife) ➢ Al-Qadr (Predestination):Implications for human freedom ➢ Akhirah: Human responsibility and accountability; Muslim beliefs and teachings about the afterlife ➢ Human Freedom and its relationship to Day of Judgement ➢ Heaven; Muslim beliefs about the nature, stages and purpose of heaven ➢ Hell; Muslim beliefs about the nature and purpose of hell. Festivals and commemorations: practices in Britain and elsewhere ➢ Id-ul-Adha: The festival of sacrifice. How Muslims celebrate IdulAdha in Britain and worldwide ➢ Id-ul-Fitr: The festival of fast-breaking following Ramadan. How Muslims celebrate Id-ul-Fitr in Britain and worldwide ➢ Ashura: The Day of Remembrance (Shi'a). How Shi'a Muslims celebrate Ashura in Britain and worldwide ➢ The Night of Power: the importance of the revelation of the Qur'an and how it is viewed and treated in Islam

How Islam Began – In Ten Minutes

How Islam began in under ten minutes. Not a problem. We've started. Okay, so travel back in time with me to a land far, far away. And long, long ago. Mecca and Arabia, but the year 570. Makkah is important for two reasons. One, the Kaaba is there, an ancient temple built to worship God, and two, Muhammad, peace be upon him, was born in Makkah. Now, problem, I can't show you Muhammad because it wouldn't be right. I'll tell you why in a bit, but in the meantime, here's his name in Arabic. Nice.

Back in the day, Makkah was a lawless place. The only way to be safe was to have backup. Lots of rich big brothers who'd beat up anyone who got in your way. So the place was ruled by the most powerful families who could do pretty much what they wanted. And religion didn't help. By this time, the Kaaba had been filled to overflowing, with 360 idols that did nothing to help anyone. So it was a tough place to grow up if, like Muhammad, you were a poor orphan and believed in just one God you couldn't see, like the Jews and the Christians. He called him Allah, the God, in Arabic there.

Muhammad's dad died before he was even born, and his mom died when he was just six. So he was brought up by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib. And then when he died too, by his uncle Abu Talib, who had the respect of the city's ruling families, so Muhammad was safe, for the time being. Muhammed started out as a shepherd and then became a businessman, travelling about, buying and selling stuff for rich clients. When he did some work for a rich widow called Khadijah, she was so impressed by his honesty and skill that they ended up getting married, and for a while it looked like Mohammed was going places, well he was, but not how you think.

Every year in the month of Ramadan, different calendar, different names for the months, there was a big party around the Kaaba. When people made sacrifices to the idols, Mohammed hated it, so he'd get out of town and sleep in a cave he'd found on top of a nearby mountain. One night, Mohammed's praying to Allah when, wham, there's the angel Jibril, you might say Gabriel, standing right in front of him. 'Read' says the angel, but Mohammed couldn't read, no schools, you see, Jibreel keeps on at him. Three times he says 'read'. Then he grabs hold of Muhammad and wham! Again, it's like Muhammad's learnt the words off by heart. So he recites the message out loud, read in the name of your Lord, who created man from a drop of blood. Read, for your Lord is most generous. He who taught by the pen taught man what he did not know. It was a message from Allah. God was speaking to him just like he'd spoken to the prophets in the Jewish and Christian holy books, which meant he was a prophet too.

The messages continue for the rest of Muhammad's life. Allah gave him the words to say and the prophet recited them. The words were written down by his friends, and years later they were collected together and became the Muslim holy book, the Qur'an, which means recitation because Muhammad recited it, you see. Anyway, that was much later, so back to the night of power. Muhammad tells his family, then his friends, and eventually everyone about Allah that he's a one and only God, that he wants everyone to be treated fairly, and long story short, it didn't go down well with the ruling families of Makkah, who liked things just the way they were, thank you very much. You see, Islam means obedience to Allah and Muslim means someone who obeys Allah. And the ruling families didn't want anyone obeying anyone else but them. So the people who believed in Muhammad's message, the Muslims, were given a hard time. Some were even tortured and killed. A few of them managed to escape to Abyssinia, Ethiopia, but most were stuck in Makkah.

Muhammad also had to cope with the death of his wife, and then just a few weeks later, his uncle too. Feeling very down, he went to the carpet to pray to Allah one night. Then the weirdest thing happened. Jibril turns up, sits him on a winged horse called Al-buraq and flies him all the way from Makkah to Jerusalem. He prays with all the prophets who have ever lived. Then he's taken up to the heavens to chat with some of the prophets, and then into Paradise itself, where Allah tells Muhammad to pray five times a day and to stay strong. He's returned to Jerusalem, and then flies back to the Kaaba in Makkah. We call it the night journey, and Muslims still argue whether it was a real experience or a vision, but whatever. It gave Muhammad a much needed boost, and just as well, because there were more tough times ahead. So there was this other city called Yathrib. The people there heard about Muhammad and his message and invited him and his followers to join them. A few at a time, the Muslims left Makkah and made a dangerous journey across the desert to Yathrib. It's known as the Hijra, which means migration, you know, like birds do.

Muhammad and a few of his friends stayed in Makkah until everyone had got away, and then made plans for their own escape. But, the ruling families wanted to kill Muhammad while they still could, so seven sons, one from each family, was sent in the middle of the night to stab the prophet while he slept. But he was way ahead of them, and when they burst into the house, Muhammad was gone. Trackers were sent out to hunt him down. Muhammad and his best friend Abu Bakr took a roundabout route to try and shake off the pursuit, but the trackers were too good and slowly gained on them, so Muhammad and Abu Bakr hid in a cave and pray that no one found them. The trackers found the cave all right, but they didn't bother going in to search. There was no way Muhammad could be inside they thought. There was a spider's web over the mouth of the cave, and a nesting bird at the entrance. He must have given them the slip, so off they went, leaving Muhammad and Abu Bakr protected by a spider and a bird.

Muhammad made it safely to Yathrib, which was renamed Medinat-ul-Nabi, the city of the prophet, but most people just call it Medinah, but Muhammad's worries weren't over yet. There were three big battles between the Muslims and the Meccans. First, the Battle of Badr, when Muhammad and just 313 men faced 1000 Meccan soldiers. Miraculously, the Muslims won. Then, there was a battle of Uhud, which didn't go so well. Some of Muhammad's men disobeyed his orders, and ran off during the battle to evade the Meccans camp, and so the Muslims were outmanoeuvred. Then, there was the battle of the trench. Medinah was protected on three sides by mountains, so when the Meccan forces advanced in the city, the Muslims just dug a deep trench. The Meccans made camp, but the weather was terrible. Pouring rain put out their fires and howling winds blew down their tents. Eventually they gave up, and went back to Mecca. It was all a bit embarrassing. They were losing the respect of the local tribes who were flocking to join the Muslims. So a peace treaty was signed at Hudaibiya, but it wasn't long before the Meccans broke it. Muhammad decided that enough was enough. By now he had over 10,000 men, so he led them across the desert to Makkah. The ruling families realised they'd made a huge mistake, but it was too late. All they could do was surrender and hope that the Muslim army killed them quickly. But Muhammad said there should be no more fighting. He rode into Makkah and went straight to the Kaaba. He circled it seven times anti-clockwise and smashed all the idols, rededicating the Kaaba to Allah, and that's why I'm not going to show you Muhammad. The Muslims wanted to make it totally clear that they only worship the one unseen God, so they didn't have any pictures of Muhammad in case anyone thought he was an idol and they didn't have any pictures of Allah because he's like nothing on earth, so it would be impossible to draw him anyway. So there you go, how Islam began in under ten minutes. How did I do?

How Islam Began – In Ten Minutes

Video length - 8.04
Published date - Sep 2013
Keystage(s) - 2, 3 and 4
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The Problem of Evil – If God is all-powerful, all-knowing and he loves us, why do bad things happen to good people? Here’s a very general introduction to the various complicated ways in which different religions have attempted to solve the Problem of Evil.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:



Component 2 -Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme E - Religion, crime and punishment- The problem of evil/suffering and a loving and righteous God: the problems it raises for Christians about the nature of God, including reference to omnipotence and benevolence, including Psalm 103; how the problem may cause believers to question their faith or the existence of God; the nature and examples of natural suffering, moral suffering. Good and evil intentions and actions. Good and evil intentions and actions, including whether it can ever be good to cause suffering.

Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme C - Evil and Suffering as an argument against the existence of God.



Section 1: Christian Beliefs Section: The problem of evil/suffering and a loving and righteous God: the problems it raises for Christians about the nature of God, including reference to omnipotence and benevolence, including Psalm 103; how the problem may cause believers to question their faith or the existence of God; the nature and examples of natural suffering, moral suffering. 2: Crime and Punishment - teachings about good, evil and suffering: Teachings about the nature of good actions, how they are rewarded, and the nature of evil actions; non-religious attitudes (including atheist and Humanist) about why people suffer, including believing in religion.



Component Group 1 - Beliefs and teachings - Islam - Jihad - Judaism -Nature of G-d - The Question of G-d - Key philosophical and ethical concepts: • The nature of G-d in Judaism • The problem of the existence of evil •Human suffering - Buddhism - The Question of Ultimate Reality (dhamma) Key philosophical and ethical concepts: • The nature of Ultimate Reality in Buddhism • The existence of evil in the world •Human suffering - Hinduism - The question of deity Key philosophical and ethical concepts: • The nature of deity and Ultimate Reality in Hinduism • The existence of evil in the world •Human suffering - Christianity - The problem of evil and suffering and a loving and righteous God.



PART B - Theme 2: Issues of Good and Evil - Crime and Punishment PART B - Theme 2: Issues of Good and Evil – Forgiveness PART B - Theme 2: Issues of Good and Evil- Good, Evil and Suffering



Component 1 (Route A) Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World -Christianity - Theme 3: Issues of Good and Evil - Good, Evil and Suffering ➢ Philosophical perspectives on the origin of evil: Original Sin (free will) and 'soul-making' (Irenaeus and John Hick) ➢ Philosophical challenges posed by belief in God, free will and the existence of evil and suffering.

Component 1 (Route B) Foundational Catholic Theology- Theme 1: Origins and Meaning - Theme 2: Good and Evil - Good, Evil and Suffering ➢ Catholic perspectives on the origin of evil: Original Sin and evil as a “privation”, with reference to St Augustine, The Enchiridion (3.11) ➢ Alternative Christian and non-Christian views on the nature and origin of evil and the difference between moral and natural evil. ➢ Catholic beliefs about the relationship between God’s goodness and the goodness of the created world ➢ Philosophical and non-religious challenges posed by belief in God’s goodness, free will and the existence of evil and suffering ➢ The meaning of suffering and Catholic ambivalence towards it, with reference to the significance of Christ’s suffering and death and Isaiah 53

The Problem of Evil

Religions say that God loves us completely. They also say that he's omniscient, which means he knows everything and he's omnipotent, which means he can control everything. This is a problem. Every day bad things happen to good people. So if God loves us and he knows about these bad things that happen, and he could stop them from happening, why doesn't he do something about it? This is known as the problem of evil.

Let's take a look at what the word evil actually means. There are two types of evil. First, there's moral evil, and these are things that people choose to do, such as murder, stealing, kidnapping. And second, there's natural evil, these are things that nature does, like tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Different religions have come up with various explanations to help their followers understand why a loving God would let evil things happen to them. The attempt to solve this problem is known as theodicy, and here are a few examples of them.

If God controlled everything we did, we'd be just like puppets on a string. Most religions believe that rather than keeping us as puppets, God set us free by allowing us to choose our own path and make our own decisions. And this is called free will. So you can use your free will to do whatever you want, and some people use it to do good things like helping other people. You dropped this. Oh, thanks very much. Unfortunately, other people use it to do bad things. Oi! Some religions, like Judaism, Christianity and Islam, see life as a test. When we come to the end of our life, we'll be judged. God will look at all the good things we did and all the bad things we did, and decide if we deserve to go to heaven or to hell. By giving us free will, God will be able to see whether we chose to do good or chose to do bad.

Okay, so this might explain moral evil, but it doesn't explain why natural evil happens, like earthquakes and tsunamis, which kill thousands of people. Some people believe, however, that this is part of the test and gives people a chance to prove that they are morally good by helping and responding to those people in need.

Earthquake appeal!

Other religions such as Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism believe that rather than going to heaven or hell when you die, your soul will be reborn into a new body, and this is called reincarnation. These religions believe that people who do evil things could be punished in the next life, and that's known as karma.


So if something bad happens to us, it's because we did something bad in the past or even in a past life. Might even be something as small as killing a fly. These people believe that all life is valuable, which is why a lot of people who believe in karma are vegetarians. These people also believe that natural evil is caused by human actions. So if we don't learn to take care of the planet, we'll be punished through things like earthquakes and tsunamis. With the law of karma, good is rewarded and bad is punished.

Some Christians believe in the idea of original sin. This comes from the Bible, when Adam and Eve are in the Garden of Eden, and Eve disobeyed God by eating fruit from the forbidden tree. Because Eve did this evil act, and she's the mother of all mankind, it means that each of us has a little bit of evil in us and sometimes do bad things. It also explains why sometimes people need to be punished through things like natural disasters. The final group we're going to look at is atheists. For atheists who don't believe in a god, there is no problem of evil. Atheists are scientific and rational in their view of the world, and because they don't believe in a God, they look for other reasons as to why people do bad things. These reasons might include problems in society, a person's background, or even their biology.

Now, people who don't believe in God often use the problem of evil to support their argument. If God is all loving, omnipotent, and omnipresent, then why do injustices happen in the world such as war and famine, tsunamis and earthquakes which kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people? Atheists often say that the easiest way to explain this is that there is no god. No god, no problem.

The problem of evil, bad things happening to good people is something that people have thought about for hundreds and hundreds of years. But what's going on here? Is it free will? Punishment? Original sin? Karma? Or perhaps you believe there is no God, maybe you've got another explanation of your own. It may be difficult to come to an exact answer, but it does make for a very interesting discussion. So why do you think there's evil and suffering in the world?

Oh, I think it's...

The Problem of Evil

Video length - 6.15
Published date - Sep 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Passover: Read All About It! – Moses made the headlines for the whole of his life… or he would have done if they’d had newspapers 3500 years ago. So here is the story of the Passover as told by the headlines of the day. Animation by Ceiren Bell.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:


Component 1 - The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices - Judaism - Family life and festivals - Festivals and their importance for Jews in Great Britain today, including the origins and meaning of Pesach.


Area of Study 2 - Section 3: Living the Jewish Life- Jewish festivals: the nature, history, purpose and significance of Jewish festivals; the origins and meaning of specific festivals, including , Pesach, divergent understandings of why festivals are important different forms of Orthodox and Reform Judaism today.


Component Group 1 - Judaism - Practices - Festivals • The origins and importance of Rosh Hashanah, including Teshuva, the Shofar, symbolic foods, the synagogue service and Tashlich • The origins and importance of Yom Kippur, including the connection to Rosh Hashanah, the Book of Life, Kapparah, the rules of Yom Kippur, the importance and nature of fasting, the synagogue services and Neilah •The origins and importance of the Pilgrim Festivals, including the story of the Exodus, the importance of chametz and the Seder meal • The origins and importance of Sukkot, including the building of sukkah and the four species • The origins and importance of Hanukkah • The origins and importance of Pesach


2.1 Unit 1 PART A - Judaism - Core beliefs, teachings and practices -Practices -Jewish identity - Festivals and commemorations: Yom Hashoah, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Pesach; significance, preparation and celebration of these festivals (Exodus 12:14)


Component 3: Study of a World Faith - Option 4:Judaism - Beliefs and teachings - Festivals: practices in Britain and elsewhere ➢ The origin, meaning and celebration of the following festivals among different Jewish communities in Britain ➢ Rosh Hashanah ➢ Yom Kippur ➢ Pesach: Exodus 12:14

Passover: Read All About It!

Fears of a slave revolt are sweeping across Egypt, after census figures revealed that the Hebrew population is growing at an alarming rate.

They breed like rabbits.

Said Mrs. Imhotep in Thebes.

Coming over here doing our jobs for us, something needs to be done.

Pharaoh has unveiled radical plans to deal with the slave problem.

We can't have our country overrun by foreigners, even if we did enslave them and bring them here in the first place. Until further notice, all male babies born to Hebrew slaves will be killed.

Surprise greeted the announcement that Pharaoh's daughter is celebrating the arrival of a baby boy. The princess has named the child Moses and firmly denies rumours that she found him floating in a basket on the Nile. However, some members of the press have noted that the baby.

Looks a bit Hebrew.

Prince Moses wowed the crowds when he arrived to see the completion of a new pyramid, destined to become Pharaoh's final resting place.

I'm sure my grandfather will be very happy here, although hopefully not for many years yet.

Moses has shrugged off gossip about his true parentage to top polls as most popular royal ever.

Prince Moses is wanted for questioning in relation to the murder of Mr. Marina-bay, a slave driver from Thebes. The victim's wife made an emotional appeal for witnesses.

He was only doing his job, but they're saying he was done away with by that Moses standing up for his Hebrew brothers. Cos it's all come out, he was a Hebrew all along, and if his real mother had done the decent thing and had killed him at birth, my hubby would still be whipping slaves.

It is believed that Moses has fled the country and is heading for Midian. Moses, 40, was recently revealed to be of Hebrew descent. As a baby. He escaped the slave cull when his mother hid him in a basket and sent him drifting down the Nile in a desperate attempt to save his life. He was found and adopted by the princess, who unwittingly employed Moses mother to nurse him.

I feel such a fool.

Said the princess.

Today's top of the odd comes from Midian, where a shepherd has returned from Mount Sinai with reports of an ever burning bush in the desert.

It was on fire, but it wasn't burning up, and I heard God talking to me from the flames. He gave me a mission to free all the slaves in Egypt.

Good luck with that.

Moses 80. The disgraced prince who left Egypt following the murder of a slave driver has been sighted in the Hebrew settlement at Goshen.

It's unlikely we'll be pressing charges, said Inspector Ankhesenpepi. It was 40 years ago and our only witness is long dead.

Rumours suggest that Moses is trying to gain support for a Free the Slaves campaign.

Moses met with Pharaoh yesterday for talks about Hebrew rights. However, negotiations quickly broke down after Pharaoh refused to consider even a short holiday for the slaves. The palace issued the following statement.

The economy just will not stand any slackening in production at present. In fact, the slaves work quotas are due to rise in the coming weeks.

A Palace insider reveals weird goings on in government. Moses proved his claim to be on a mission from the Hebrew god by turning his staff into a snake, but Pharaoh just ordered his court magicians to perform the same trick.

The floor was alive with snakes, but Moses snake ate all the others and then turned back into a staff, wild.

Moses warned that if Pharaoh refuses to free the slaves, they'll be horrible consequences for Egypt.

The River Nile has turned blood red, baffling the boffins.

In fact, all bodies of water have turned red and smelly.

Said a health official.

We are advising people to dig new wells and drink only from them until further notice.

A plague of frogs has infested Egypt. Millions of the foul amphibians have oozed out of the Nile to fill the streets and invade people's homes.

Lice are on the loose and the whole country is scratching. Doctors advise a daily bath in asses milk.

It stops the itching, but you might smell a bit cheesy.

As flies buzz all over Egypt. Hygiene inspectors are warning people to check their food for maggots. Only the Hebrew Quarter in Goshen has escaped the recent plagues, fuelling rumours that they are signs from the God of Moses.

Following the unexplained death of all livestock, farmers have appealed to Pharaoh for help.

It's time he listened to us.

Said Mr. Menkheperraseneb.

You go down to Goshen, where the Hebrews live. Have their cows died? No. Have their sheep died? No. That Hebrew God is punishing us because Pharaoh won't free the slaves. Well, we've had enough.

The palace declined to make a statement.

Health officials have issued the following advice to deal with the present epidemic.

Don't squeeze your boils, it will only make them worse. Just dab them with crocodile dung. And when they burst, try not to pick the scabs.

In the worst weather since records began, a violent hailstorm has flattened all the crops that were due to be harvested, but farmers are remaining upbeat.

That's all the barley and flax gone. But we've still got the wheat harvest to come.

The wheat harvest has been destroyed by a swarm of locusts. Only Goshen remains unaffected by current events, leading to further calls that Pharaoh should free the slaves before Egypt starves.

The royal astronomers are at a complete loss to explain why it has been dark for the last three days.

We are at a complete loss to explain why it has been dark for the last three days.

Moses emerged from another unsuccessful meeting with Pharaoh today and went straight to Goshen. There he joined the slave community, who have all returned to their homes for a religious ritual. A Mrs Benjamin described what happened.

Moses told us that every family should kill and cook a lamb. The bloods got to be painted around our front door. My husband can do that. Then we eat the meal together and stay indoors until after midnight. Very strict about that, he was.

Grief consumes Egypt. Every household awoke to discover that their first born son had died during the night from an unknown cause. Only Hebrew homes, identified by Lamb's blood around the doors, were untouched by the tragedy.

Bowing to increasing pressure, Pharaoh decreed yesterday that the Hebrew slaves were free to leave Egypt. However, more recent reports indicate that Pharaoh now regrets this decision. He is mustering an army to pursue the Hebrews and wreak a terrible revenge.

Pharaoh has died in a freak drowning accident, along with hundreds of charioteers, horsemen and foot soldiers. He led his army across the desert towards a Hebrew encampment on the shores of the Red sea.

I saw the dust rising in the distance.

Said Mr. Levi.

Pharaoh's army was coming right at us, and we had nowhere to run. But Moses gets up and waves his staff, and the sea just parts. There was this corridor between walls of water straight through to the other side.

The Hebrews made it across, but the pursuing Egyptians were still in the danger zone when the sea came crashing down, drowning every single one of them.

We're free at last. Just need to find this promised land Moses keeps on about.

Passover: Read All About It!

Video length - 7.51
Published date - Sep 2013
Keystage(s) - 2 and 3
Downloadable resources

Proving God Exists – For most people who believe in God, their faith is enough to know that he is real. But is there a way for them to prove to non-believers that God exists? This film takes a look at the various arguments for the existence of God, and wonders how convincing they are… Animation by Ceiren Bell

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:



Component 2 - Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme C - The existence of God and Revelation: The Design Argument:The Design Argument, including its strengths and weaknesses.

The First Cause Argument: The First Cause Argument, including its strengths and weaknesses.



Area of Study 3 - Section 2: Philosophy of Religion: religious experience: Cosmological argument: the cosmological argument for the existence of God and its use by religions as a philosophical argument for the existence of God, including reference to Thomas Aquinas' First Three Ways of showing God's existence; divergent understandings of the nature and importance of what the cosmological argument shows about the nature of God ; religious responses to nonreligious (including atheist and Humanist) arguments against the cosmological argument as evidence for the existence of God.

Design argument: the classical design argument for the existence of God and its use byreligions as a philosophical argument for the existence of God; divergent understandings about what the design argument may show about the nature of God for people of faith, religious responses to non-religious (including atheist and Humanist) arguments against the design argument as evidence for the existence of God.



Component Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - the existence of God, gods and ultimate reality, and ways in which God, gods or ultimate reality might be understood; through revelation, visions, miracles or enlightenment.



Component Group 2 - Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a Christian perspective- The existence of God - The nature of reality - Key philosophical concepts: • Arguments about the existence of God • Ideas about the purpose of the world • Ethical living •Christian philosophical views on the nature of reality and the reasons for belief in God, including: •• The world as designed and the argument from the evidence of design and purpose •• The world as requiring a cause and the argument from the concept of first cause •• The world as formed for humanity, as expressed in Genesis by the Anthropic principle •• The world and moral consequence, soul-making and judgement • The value and importance of arguments for the existence of God

Proving God Exists

Is it possible to prove that God exists? Well, probably not, but it hasn't stopped people trying over the years. You see, it's not enough for some people to believe there's a God just because it says so in a holy book. How do I know the Holy book is true, they say. And the answer, because God wrote it, doesn't seem to satisfy them. Ah, but what about religious experiences? Say the believers Surely, they prove that God exists? Well, not necessarily. People who say they've had religious experiences could be mistaken, or making it up, or mad. Sorry. Science and coincidence can often explain the rest. So where does our sense of right and wrong come from, say the believers? It must come from God. Well, again, not necessarily. Humans could have worked it out for themselves. For example, if a man is living in a small community. it's not going to work if he steals someone's food, sleeps with someone's wife, or shoots someone's brother. And if he did, the rest of the community would have something to say about it. Probably along the lines of don't do that, it's wrong.

While the search for solid evidence goes on, there are three main arguments that try to prove, from what we already know, that there is without any doubt, a God. So let's start with the cosmological argument or first cause argument, which goes like this. God must exist because who else could have made the universe? Everything has a cause. Nothing just happens. A vase doesn't smash by itself. A ball doesn't bounce by itself. A child doesn't just suddenly appear. They all have causes. And so, the argument goes, the universe must have a cause as well. A first cause. Therefore God exists. And what caused us? We don't have to be here, but we are. So something, or someone, must have had a reason for creating us. Or to put it another way, the universe is big. In fact, the universe is a bigger place than it's comfortable to imagine. Each person is a tiny dot on the planet, which is an even tinier dot in the solar system, which is an even tinier dot in the galaxy, which is an even tinier dot in the universe. If we didn't exist, the cosmos wouldn't even notice, and yet here we are. So there must be a cause, therefore God exists.

But there are problems with this argument. It's all built on the idea that everything has a cause. So who or what caused God? And if the universe is so big, then it's highly likely that in all that space with countless billions of planets to choose from, other life forms exist on some of them. And like our alien friends, we could be here just because we got lucky.

The teleological argument, fortunately also known as the argument from design, states that because the world is the perfect environment for humans to live in, it must have been designed specifically with humans in mind, therefore God exists. In 1802, a man called William Paley had a best seller on his hands when he wrote an explanation of the argument. It goes like this. Say you're walking in the country and you find a stone. You pick it up and look at it. It doesn't do anything, however much you shake it. The stone obviously has no purpose. So you throw it away and you walk on a bit and find a watch. You pick it up and look at it. It ticks. It has numbers. It has hands that go round. Unlike the stone, it's obvious that the watch has a purpose. And so it must have been designed by someone. Now, take a look at the world. It's the perfect environment for human beings. There's air, food and water. It's the right temperature. It has the right amount of gravity, and everything seems to work together to provide humans with a good home. It's obvious that it has a purpose. In fact, it's just the sort of place someone might design for humans to live in.

Well, said, Mr. Paley, it's staring you in the face, isn't it? It was designed. Therefore God exists. For a little while this argument seemed to clinch it. Nice one, Mr. Paley. But then, along came Charles Darwin and turned the whole argument on its head. The world, he said, wasn't made to suit people, people changed to suit the world. The Earth appeared by chance, and as plants and animals grew, they adapted over millions of years to deal with what was already here. And that wasn't the only problem with the argument from design. People pointed out that the design isn't perfect. There are lots of dangerous and nasty things out there diseases, for example, that spread without check, causing suffering and death. So if the world was designed, they said this must be the prototype, and as a parting shot, they added, if God designed us, then who designed God? So that just about wraps it up for the teleological argument.

But there's one more to look at, the ontological argument, and it's a bit of a mind mangler. It goes like this. If God is the greatest being in the universe, then he must exist, because if he doesn't exist, he wouldn't be the greatest being in the universe, therefore, God exists. Or to put it another way, something that exists is greater than something that doesn't exist. So in order for God to be the greatest possible being in the universe, he must exist. The general opinion of this argument is that it's trying to confuse people into believing in God. Eminent philosophers are divided on whether it's brilliant or a bucket full of gibbon dribble, but it's not as mad as it might sound. Describing something in a certain way can sometimes mean that it must exist. For example, the tallest man alive. Even if you had never met the tallest man alive, you would know that he exists. Because somewhere in the world there is a man who's taller than the second tallest man alive, therefore the tallest man alive must exist. Or think of how you'd describe a triangle, a three sided shape. As soon as you start mucking about with the number of sides it has, it stops being a triangle. A three sided shape is always, by definition, a triangle.

So what about the description of God as the greatest possible being? Philosophers have argued that something doesn't have to exist for it to be great. Greatness is so hard to define. Someone could describe the greatest possible chocolate bar, the size of a tower block and full of marshmallow pieces, but that doesn't mean it must exist. But if it doesn't exist, then can it really be called the greatest? And so on, but you can argue about the meaning of words as much as you like. The ontological argument doesn't prove the existence of God.

These arguments have made a lot of theologians, philosophers, and scientists very famous over the years, but they have failed to prove that God exists. But then no one has managed to prove that God doesn't exist either. Some would say that it's pointless to try and prove or disprove the existence of a God who is, if he exists, completely beyond our understanding anyway. In the end, what it comes down to is this. Do you believe in God or not?

Proving God Exists

Video length - 8.32
Published date - Apr 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Funded by Essex County Council.

Doorways: Kev

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Published date - Jan 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Funded by Essex County Council.

Doorways: Sebastian

Video length - 06.07
Published date - Jan 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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